Can we get account wide ignore?

Irony coming from you, Tae.


Nope. Just that your scenario is nonsense because outside of how impractical the rest of it is, it requires the victim to post on ALL of their alts in order to work. So very likely to be a HUGE amount of effort that may or not be effective that could be completely wasted if the person being stalked doesn’t use their alts on the forum, which the stalker wouldn’t know ahead of time.


Exactly. If I put someone on ignore, why would I care what there alts are.


here’s what happened today:

i restated my stance on account wide ignore. i supported it with facts regarding the account wide ignore function and how it would work if implemented.

you were unable to dispute that, so you just resorted to insults…

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You keep using that word…


Those are not facts. You’re spreading misinformation.


ok please, tell me how anything here is not correct. i’ll be waiting… please go ahead and tell me

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How about answering this:

If I put you on ignore, why would I give a crap what your alts are?


see I just grabbed the video clip


so you agree that it is possible and your only rebuttle to my statements are “well, i put you on ignore, i don’t want to know your alts.”

is that correct?

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Ooooh someone is classy.

I tip my hat and raise my pinky as I sip my tea to you good sir.

See, you can’t even answer the question, which means, you’re entirely wrong. You’re spreading misinformation.


please tell me where any of my statements here are incorrect…

He does realize there is a litmus test as to what is “fact” and “in my opinion” right?
Like… has he demonstrated this as possible… since he claims it is possible to do?

They still teach theory in science right?

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How about you answer the question I asked you.


It was from the Art of Noise /Tom Jones cover of Prince’s song Kiss

[Verse 3]
Women and girls, rule my world, I said they rule my world
Act your age woman, not your shoe size, maybe we could do the twirl?
You don’t have to watch Dynasty, to have an attitude
You gotta leave it all up to me, my love will be your food

ok your question was

because people can use the account wide ignore function maliciously simply to find alts…they don’t care about ignoring the person, person A puts person B on ignore for the sole purpose of finding their alts…
