Can we get account wide ignore?

We can only speculate what time or effort Blizzard dedicates to the actual purpose or functionality of this forum.

Do you do everything some random stranger on the internet tells you to? What makes you think anybody else will, either?


Strength in numbers.

It isn’t one or two posters that will be looking to black list posters, it’ll be group or collectives looking to isolated posters from the forum.

Just so you’re aware, ‘speculation’ isn’t worth a warm bucket of spit. It’s a pointless, worthless endeavour.

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So, you do what you’re told if a lot of random internet people (who you will likely never meet) tell you to do it?

Also, more worthless speculation.

Have fun with your continued pointless replies. I won’t see them.


No I keep to my own council.

Doesn’t mean others will.

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Somehow, I doubt it. At this point, it’s worked like 7 or 8 times in row.

Pepperidge Farms has it :smiley:


That’s the whole idea and what ignore is.

Do you know the function of how ignore works?

I would like discord version, but it doesn’t prevent everyone from seeing you it’s just that one person blocking you account wide. You can still type, but that one person can’t see you no matter how many alts you hop on.

If they want to see the blicked contest they can click on it. Except it’s account wide.

You are not being ignored by the entire veiw of others.

I would be limiting myself not others.

Its not like they are some small indie company and short staffed. Its just Bobby is to greedy.


Well how do you justify to someone whose all about making profits that having more moderation staff is going to increase profits?

Forums don’t generate money.


Evening support for:

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide likes
  • Account wide reports
  • Account wide post count
  • Account wide trust levels

Pretty much their actual reasoning is masked over to prevent seeing their actual reasoning that they are against it, either way it feels like to me that they are outing themselves.


i have explained my reasoning many times.

They just want to sockpuppet. Think about it: Who would just come over from the game on a low level alt to completely hide themselves to the forums, to be against something that could improve the overall experience of the forums?

All they do, is keep creating new low level alts to hide themselves behind to pretend to be someone else, and act like someone else, in order to make it look like they have more of a voice. There reasons are actually nothing more than excuses and misinformation. They just want to continue sockpuppeting.


Yes x10


not everyone believes this will be an improvement to the overall experience of the forums.

we are allowed to share our opinions

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Like I’ve said every time they do it they give themselves away .

Every time they change toons they still use the arguments of the old toon.