Can we get account wide ignore?

What else can I say?

I’m a different person.

Knock this nonsense off. Nobody’s getting shut down, stop trying to hold yourself hostage as if an account-wide ignore suddenly silences your ability to use this forum. All it does, and I mean all it does, it remove the ability for you to talk to a specific individual. Which is its intended purpose. Hell, it doesn’t even go that far, it just blanks their posts and offers the ignoring user the option of reading them. All the ignore function does is add a click between your dross and someone reading it. Applying that to an account-wide state is both simple and vastly superior.

You sit there and talk about ‘second chances’ as if you’re obligated to them. No, you are not. You do not get a second chance by default, that is given by the grace of those you offended. And it is entirely up to them whether you’re worth dealing with or not. If your behavior improves, the ignorer would see your name popping up in positive threads and, perhaps, might click that ‘view ignored post’ button. Then they might un-ignore you if you’ve genuinely changed.

The point of the ignore function is not to rob people of speech, but to prevent them from forcing others to listen.

Why should someone be made to leave the forums because someone else can’t keep themselves in line? A stronger ignore protects users and keeps malicious actors off their screen. A stronger ignore allows someone to disengage from a conversation they don’t want and doesn’t let someone chase them down across threads or with alts. A stronger ignore gives users more control over their forum experience and greater safety overall.

Your arguments are all hollow.


better question is why are you desperate to talk to people who doesn’t want to talk to you?


It’s not our job to “change” the people posting. That’s why arguing with people like you is pointless. It’s not possible. You have an opinion, and you’re going to stick to it no matter how illogical or irrelevant it is. Arguing with you is arguing with a cloud (ironic? purposeful?), because there’s nothing solid under it. It’s just billows and puffs of whatever inscrutable broken logic you can summon in the moment that might send people down a new rabbit hole trying to refute you.

You’re not even in the rabbit hole. You don’t even care about the rabbits. Trolls only show up to a situation to knock things over and stir up chaos because they think it’s funny when people with good intentions get worn down and broken by their nonsense.

It’s also not Blizzard’s job to teach people to present themselves genuinely and convince them to stop harassing people within a paper’s width distance of something that would go against their code of conduct guidelines.

So what people would like to do, instead of taking the burden of taking up the other half of the dance that they’ve been asked to do in bad faith, is just not. And when they’ve identified that they’ll never see eye to eye with someone, instead of complaining to the mods and asking that someone do something about it, instead of asking that the person who’s provoking people and posting not any genuine point of view that they hold but just to get people brawling be banned and silenced, they want to be allowed to curate their own experience on the forums like end users can do in forums all over the world and put people that they know they don’t want to hear from on ignore, and then not have to hear from them anymore.

What’s being asked for isn’t revolutionary or difficult. Just about every other forum out there seems to manage just fine with similar rulesets. It’s not asking for Btags which people are supposedly allergic to, even though they’re pushing just as hard against a much lesser measure that exposes no information. And it’s the opposite of shutting down discussion, because people would still be free to post at people who want to engage with them. There will always be plenty of those people. There will never be a shortage of people who will go ahead and dance for the amusement of the trolls because they’re having a good time doing it.

People who would rather not would like to come to the forums to discuss things about the game with people who don’t raise their blood pressure, and they should be allowed to cultivate their own experience instead of putting pressure on the company and the forum mods to create that experience for them. They should have that option.


It’s a sad situation when WoW has got to the point where people want the forum to improve but not the game

You have an issue with that? This is one thread, check the other posts about improving wow, there a lot there.

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I think the mistaken assumption being made is that account wide ignores will somehow remove the toxicity from the forums.

Put a sock in it, no one even said that. We just don’t want to see crud from posters like you, and use their alts to get around ignores.


Translation: “I want to be able to be a bad person to other people and/or trash people I know online with no consequences for myself” -lilithia.


The ol’ Ardful question Dodger never did answer any of my questions, did he.

Where, O where did I put my surprised face?


ard trolling so hard lmao

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I’m a terrible troll on these forums and I’m terrified my ‘real friends’ will find out what kind of person I really am when no one can see me and will think less of me as a result.

If you don’t want people to think you’re a terrible person… just stop being as terrible person.


or they could repent from their past mistakes and behavior rather than hey let’s make a new avatar and burden others we can’t seem to leave alone

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Forum trolls taking responsibility for their own actions? Oh man, that’s a dream.

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You going away and stopping your nonsense would be a better way to achieve that


Well we’re already seeing what happens when you can’t get people to go along with the crowd, which just reinforces my personal view that giving a stronger forum ignore isn’t a good idea.

I mean, why do I need to be refuted? Why do I need to be wrong? Can anyone be against account-wide ignores?

I’m not single handedly holding back any changes, just a focal point for posters frustrations since I’m still here.

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Come on, Chicken Little, don’t be bashful. Tell us all exactly how the sky is going to fall. Explain it as if you actually believed it would really happen.


Oh hi everyone,

Just noticed that a post of mine got flagged by community but was later restored, so right now I am feeling a renewed sense of hope that Blizzard is open to both sides of the debate on this sensitive issue, so long as one sticks to the arguments and tries not to get personal, and just argue the case,

I was honestly almost at the point where I was about to give up on the thread, but right now I feel happy, that I’ve chosen to stay true to my personal convictions of this issue, and it means a lot to me that the staff at Blizzard are happy to listen to both sides of the debate, as long as it’s kept respectful.

Have a good day/night everyone.


This is pretty much the spirit of a debate. Keep things impersonal as possible and try to keep calm. You can criticise the things they say, the things they do, but never do things like namecalling, threaten them, or insult them directly.

It’s good that someone acknowledged that you did that, at least for the post in question.

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Actually, it wouldn’t we see this time and time again and even here with this discussion ,This would be a good lesson for hring.

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