Can we get account wide ignore?

Then I can only assume that there’s some kind of limitation or undesirable outcome Blizzard doesn’t want by changing it.

The ignore feature exists. It needs to be account wide, you won’t change my mind. You keep proving to me and others why we need it on the forums. If, for example, I tell you I am blocking you and I don’t wish to continue this discussion with you, and you hop on an alt to try to continue this conversation after I told you I didn’t want to continue… It’s something Blizz needs to fix. Because, yes I can just simply not respond, block all your alts, or just not hop on the forums for a bit, but I shouldn’t have to. I should just be able to block an account and be done with it.

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You know what they say about “assuming”…

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How else do you explain Blizzards lack of input on this matter?

THere already is a limitation in real life and should also be here in the forums.

If you are in the states free speech protection only protects you from being silenced by the government and allows your voice to be heard by them .

No private company (and that includes ones that are publically trade) or individual person has to respect your right to free speech. Most will let you say what you want but you only have the right to be heard by those who choose to listen to you


Or, it’s not a top priority at this time and so the things they’re hoping to get done (and which they keep saying they want to improve on) take a long time to work through all the various processes that they need to go through to make changes, especially if it’s gonna involve moving away from the dumpster fire of stupid discourse ideology.


It is always political with them.

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That is my position, yes.

I believe people should have a right to control who gets to see what side of them. The risk of reputation damage, embarrassment, and so on is a big concern.

I believe people will always establish boundaries from others in society, it’s why Blizzard couldn’t go ahead with showing real ID all those years ago, as yes it would have stopped trolls, but at too much of a cost.

The fact is, the trolls will still exist on the forum even with account wide ignores, there might be less of them but there will always be some clown on a Sunday posting stupid crap.

Privacy especially on the internet reduces the social friction we have in life, most people don’t want people to know everything about them, hence why sometimes people say ‘none of your business’, and as many people on this forum have quite rightly called me for, ‘too much information’, I acknowledge I have a character flaw where I have a tendency to overshare, I accept I need to work on that,

But privacy is critical to freedom of thought/expression and part of why I’ve enjoyed my time here on the forum for the past 10 years or however long it’s been is because speaking unpopular opinions is relatively safe, for instance when I personally hate mythic+ and think it should disappear, my friends that I play WoW with don’t need to know I have that view, sometimes we may want to criticize things yet not sure that criticism with the world,

And of course it’s mainly because of this, I know people will disagree with this, I stand completely by the fact that privacy assists with the ability to grow and have second chances, I know on some alts things I said just before covid happened I regret to a large degree now, I don’t believe people are static throughout their lives, I don’t actually see the chance to reinvent one self as some kind of evil, being able to mature and grow without being shackled with all the foolish things that we may have said/done in the past is inspiring to me. To be clear, I am not saying ALL misdeeds should be shielded, but I believe some should be, because it encourages growth and improvement.

In many ways, we are all different people all throughout our lives…but that’s okay, as you got to keep moving, got to keep learning, got to keep growing…for me when I switch to an alt, it’s often been a chance to become a whole new me, and find out what’s socially acceptable and how to survive in the real world.

Though I do admit, I am concerned that things have become too polarized, at which point, I may make the choice to stand my ground and stick to my convictions regardless. I’m a bit undecided on that one.

Of course I know many will disagree and look down on me for that choice, but it’s how I feel about it.

I am not disagreeing, but I do think that often people will get shutdown just because of who is saying it, I know sometimes when I switch to alts I don’t get as much of a hostile reaction as I would on this girl.

Um, You as well already know that Blizzard has stated they are planning updates to the forums in regards to the discussion. It’s has been posted in this thread, you are being contrarian and obtuse.

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It all depends on what they get out of the forums.

Changing it could upset their current machinations.

We can only speculate until they decide to speak up or do something.

Is that the off hand mod statement that’s a good 7 months old now?

You work for Blizzard?

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I am the same irl as I am online. I also play on Moonguard, and my siblings , friends, and non RP wow buddies know and tease me for it.

Yes, trolls will always find a way, but introducing btag ignoring will help with that.

Again, if you’re that worried about irl people finding out about your online persona, that’s a you problem, and you should work on being a better person.


No but I can speculate.

Which is why I used could. Not should.

They already have.

The irony is a lot of people in the states think our Bill of Rights (First 10 amendments to our Constitution ) are what give them those rights.

When in actuality those are considered natural born rights and the amendments are actually a notice to the government not to mess with those rights.

Granted when i was in High School they didn’t have Civics but we did have to take U.S. History and GOvernment . Heck we even had to take Econimics to graduate.

Again, are you referring to the 7 month old statement?

It doesn’t matter how old the statement is, they said it. They even said it will take some time. Do you have privy to the inner workings of Blizzard?

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Freedom of thought/expression is in relation to the government, all don’t escape from freedom of concequences.

But this is not the government. This is a Blizzard owned forum.

Privacy has nothing to do with second chances. You want people to give you a second chance, start by changing your behaviour.


No but I can track time.

Seems to be taking awhile for seemingly easily made change.