Can we get account wide ignore?

Nah, that friendliness is 100% fake. It’s a way for them to argue while adding that niceness to play the victim afterwards.

That way he can and has mind you, call us all uncivil.


I did not want to say this as some might really be that friendly, but people are suspicious at such behavior for a reason. Like I am one that thinks the more friendly they are, the more they are trying to get something from me.

And this just proves that they only see “civil” as being what they want. I actually find it more civil to remove myself from dealing with them after a certain point. One thing some need to keep in mind is pushing others to uncivility can be seen as being uncivil in and of itself.

In short, if one does not want to deal with you, let them be before the proverbial fists or bullets start flying. Also, fact of the matter is, if certain people let well enough alone and left others alone, we would likely not NEED topics like this. A standard person might not fill up their ignore list, but a standard person likely does not have to deal with others that won’t leave them alone.


I get it. sometimes it’s hard to perceive sarcasm and intent behind a post. but there’s a fundamental thing that doesnt add up.

if i believed i was being victimized or targeted, i would, you know, step away from the forums for a bit. rather than continually trying to bait people for a response by re-phrasing the same sentances over and over.

in this case, well… the person being friendly has at least several alts being just as friendly. and, well… it reminds me of an amogus lobby with two imposters.


The nicest and friendliest way to be to a toxic person who demstraits jerky behavior and won’t stop egging you on is account wide ignore so you don’t have to fill up your ignore list with their alts and character create deletes.

Being kind to one another is a two way not one, can’t force someone to be nice.


wait now that dobby has been put to ignore by almost everyone it decided to swap to Uulomul. Thanks for proving why account wide ignore is needed <3


to be fair if I’m remembering right, they’re still two different burner accounts, one only has Graves as a pet, the other Merkastrasza


Just like how Aeon and Gruumm/Nairdowel are the same person on 2 different accounts.


Just proves we need accountwide to deal with Ne’er-do=wells here on the forums

Also need it for when people go and do this. Copying another persons name to confuse folk.

They’re also multi-liking with this toon…

And wouldn’t you know…

How much you want to bet they’re multi-flagging someplace around here too?

Foolish child.


Aykauma isn’t Uulomul and is for Account wide ignore unlike Uulomul

Ayakuma and Uulomul are on the same account. The pet links are above, and they’ve been using Ayakuma and their other alt Taalexya to mass-like the posts on the thread. I don’t see where Ayakuma has ever been used to post to the forums, maybe are you mixing them up with someone else?

They’re also now baiting, desperate for someone to engage with them directly, by replying to posts from 25 days ago.


Notice, it was said some of them copy names to confuse others. Ayukama is for account wide ignore, but even if they got the name right, they are exposed by their server.

In short, the children are trying all tricks to try and get people to engage with them, where with account wide ignore, we would not have to deal with these attempts.


Ayukama is not Ayakuma. Ayukama is someone I know. Ayakuma is just Doobly/Uulomul and its alts violating coc by multi-liking, probably multi-flagging and probably using separate accounts despite having been actioned on the other to bypass a suspension.


If caught doing this, shat is a forum vacay, maybe a permanent one, for them.

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Its supposed to be a full on full stop ban from the forums forever.

And Blizzard ain’t dumb either. They’ll catch on if they keep doing it.

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Which just means we might not need account wide ignores as the ones against them will get themselves banned due to their own actions.


Nah still need em. Shouldn’t have to go through all this just to stop people from doing it. Should just be a system in place for exactly this kind of stuff.


Ok they did a name to make people think they are Ayukama. My bad easy mistake to make


You have more faith than I do. It took like a year to shut down the T-squad, with Blizzard insisting all along the way that it was multiple unrelated people who weren’t doing anything wrong because it was impossible to tell that they were posting in bad faith, somehow. Because when a post is reported, it goes to the glom of all-forum moderators who work on all of the Blizzard forums, where patterns of behavior aren’t tracked and each post by each character is an island disconnected from that account’s history.

They glance at the post, see no bad words or insults, restore it and move on.

It isn’t until the forums are being ground to a halt daily for prolonged periods that anyone looking at more than a tiny window of one post at a time steps in.

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Oh, I agree, but at some point people just want the ones doing this BS GONE, they don’t care how, they just want them to vanish from the forums. I for one would be more then happy if, by the actions of the ones doing this BS, they get themselves perma banned.

On a note of an example of accountwide ignore not based on the ones here, a lot of my ignores are for Snozy (in a lot of variations) because he is one that does not alt hop as much as change mains, and by connection posting toons, based on what he is currently playing (he is one of those that could be considered a meta slave or only plays what his guild needs or wants in order to push high content).

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