Can we get account wide ignore?

what does my posting history have to do with this? am i not allowed to post in this topic unless i post in a certain number of other threads first?

Because I can see what you’re posting here. Arguing and trolling. Duh…

On top of everything, you keep shutting down everyone’s points by saying “system is fine as is”. If that’s your point, then you should have left there and then. But you stuck around for 700 posts to shut people down. Thats a fact you can’t hide.

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i am merely discussing my opinion and i am doing it quite politely and respectfully.

Things I hate with the current system:


Which is a record for me. Or at least, it was until less than 24 hours later :frowning:


I have only a small handful of “characters” on ignore. Literally less than 10. This just wreaks of despiration to attempt to get the thread shut down.

Personally, I’d suggest that everyone just put people who they feel are trolling on ignore. Yes, I wish it was a real ignore, but do what you can NOT to get baited into discussions with those who are posting with the sole intention to get this thread shut down.


More important than being 'polite and 'nice, you should focus on being sincere and genuine.

I suspect you’re unfamiliar with the concepts, though.

Edit - to correct typos caused by posting from my phone.


Well glad to know you understand that what you have being spouting has been an opinion and not a fact.


Heck I’d take rude and vile as long as it is honest any day over fake politeness like they do.


well this poster just confirmed that when you ignore someone, u see a “hidden reply”…

so if account wide ignores were implemented then a person could just ignore one person, then look for all the hidden replies of all their alts, then identify their alts that way.

and that is a fact.

this is why we really shouldn’t use account-wide ignore.

Ignoring that we’ve been saying that they should remove that feature along with adding account wide ignores.

but just because you ask for it to be removed doesn’t mean they will remove it

and i believe it is better to be safe rather than sorry, especially since the current system works perfectly fine…

there is no need to take that risk

Still going?

Btw there was a blue poster commenting on flying recently, so someone at Blizzard has no doubt seen this by now.

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yeah, it would appear as though blizzard is prioritizing enhancing the game play of the world of wacraft.

And here we go. “I just want to have a discussion” and already shutting it down.

It’s ok guys, the Lizard said the system is fine as it. Time to delete the topic!

well the system does work perfectly fine, i genuinely don’t see any problems with the current ignore system.

Alright then. Then your discussion is over, I guess. Now you can move on to other topics and do other things. Since there is no more to discussion on your end.


i am allowed to stay here and continue the discussion… there is no rule stating that i cannot.

Well they do really want to make it against the rules for other people to disagree with them too, so they have that they’re working on still.


Why, you said the system is perfectly fine, you don’t see any problems. What’s to discuss then?

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well if someone tries to counter that position and tell me that the system isn’t fine, then i can make a post to explain all the ways in which the system works perfectly.

You know what “reading the room” is? It’s when you have the social awareness to understand that you may be the problem in a situation.

Basically, you’re saying your trolling. Since that’s saying that “I’m right and your wrong”. And no matter what’s said, you’re going to argue it.