on the contrary, friend, i have found the current ignore system to work perfectly.
Just ignore the lizard guys.
The vibes I am getting now…
" I wanna be your friend"
hello friend, i just wanted to ask how this post of yours relates to the current topic of the thread?
i suggested the same thing but they seem to never actually put me on ignore… it’s like they don’t know how to use the current ignore system
maybe if everyone in this thread took a few minutes to read up on the current ignore system and learn how to turn it on, maybe they wouldn’t feel the need for an updated ignore system…
idk that’s just my opinion on how to solve this situation.
thank you for taking the time to read my post, friends, i greatly appreciate any input you might have on the topic

If you don’t like the topic, mute the thread and move on.
i really wish you would respect my right to discuss this topic… it is not polite to tell people to leave the thread.
You know what you could do? You could ignore them.

You could ignore them.
i am enjoying having the conversation and politely expressing my opinions, so i have no need for that.
i do appreciate your input, though, my friend
I’m not your friend, pal.
Told you… shivers
The whole ignore system is beyond broke.

The whole ignore system is beyond broke.
i keep trying to understand what it is about the ignore system that you feel is not working properly.
i am using the ignore system and i believe that it works perfectly.
I’m not you pal, buddy.

i keep trying to understand what it is about the ignore system that you feel is not working properly.
Pretty sure you have been told hundreds of times already. You are willfully playing ignorant.

I think they also enjoy pushing peoples buttons, that is why they don’t leave or just put the thread on mute and move on.
Thats what Im going to do right now.
100% they find a way to draw me back in. They always do. lol.
Nobody is forcing you to keep returning to the thread. If you lack the willpower to keep the thread muted, that’s on you.

Nobody is forcing you to keep returning to the thread.
well people do keep replying to him, as you just did here, correct?

Nobody is forcing you to keep returning to the thread.
Its bait from a troll. What do you expect?
If he really wanted to be your friend, he’ll trade btags with you.

he really wanted to be your friend, he’ll trade btags with you
you are correct here, btags are only for friends because they are private… only to be shared with those closest to you.
“Please be my fwend”

they are private
Nope, wrong. They are public. You’re really bad at this information game you’re playing.

Nope, wrong. They are public.
if btags are public information, then you would be able to tell me what my btag is right now, correct?

if btags are public information
Let’s make our way over the Diablo forums and talk, friend! You’ll just have to tell be your btag since that’s what those forums use.