Can we get account wide ignore?

While I do block people when I realize theyre baiting to get me to break the rules or just waste my time on their agenda, I do think this last word thing is a LOT of it.

So I want a two way block so if I block you, you cant see me AND you have no control over it, right?
Some on the other side are against that which makes me think they WANT the control of being able to see my posts when THEY want…ie having the ability to ‘last word’ it then block again lol.

I think if we all wanted a REAL block we’d be totally on board with the total black out block where we just never see each other again.
I mean, isnt that how it SOUNDS when you read many of these posts? that we say we want a block, but then we arent actually using it as it is already?
Theyve said they blocked Doobly but then keep posting at him lol

Does it really make it any better? :palm_up_hand:

It’s still wishing some sort of harm to somebody whoever receives it. By them, or the receiver.

I will cop to that mistake here considering i’ve been using it rather interchangeably as of late. But the message is more or less the same here of what the Anti-taggers are for. They are pro harm, is what i’m saying.


What part of “account-wide ignore” is not self-explanitory enough for you?
Doesn’t matter, but you are exactly why I need account-wide ignore and more ignore slots to ensure I never group/carry you (for free).

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Yikes it’s scary the levels some people go to when they show true colors and yet they wonder why we want to be able to ignore them forever without having to ever deal with them again.


yeah…thats not generalizing an entire group at all, lmao

I think you are a bit confused and didn’t read the thread.

This is about account wide ignore for the FORUMS, not ingame.

from Imgflip Meme Generator


Isn’t that upwards of half of the posts you make in these threads?


he knows it wouldnt make any difference…they SAY YOU are on ignore, yet they keep responding to you. Had I not swapped alts theyd be doing the exact same thing to me if I were posting on the other character and we all know it.

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hello, my friend…

i would like to discuss this with you because i feel it would be good and nice for us to have a chat.

well, see here, what happened is that you asked somebody a question and they politely and respectfully told you that they did not want to answer this question, and you should have respected that decision of theirs… it is the kind thing to do.

then you asked me the same question and i also, very politely, declined to answer… this is another situation where you should have simply respected my choice.

i believe that having this chat helped us both to understand eachother a little better, which is a good thing.

i hope you have a lovely evening my friend :slight_smile:

Pretty lulzy, considering the fact that Doobly-doo has done the same exact thing. Put me on ignore, then proceeded to quote me and answer. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


huh…so youre saying that your group ISNT in absolute agreement about wanting account wide ignore then?
good to know
I’ll stop generalizing you all on that point right now.

No sir, I saw that he edited the OP, but ironically, if you read the thread you’ll see that forums weren’t specified at first, and many people want account-wide ignore in game as well, as the original OP originally sounded like.

So I know what I want. I read the thread, take some of your own medicine.
But why are you against account-wide ignore is now the question. :wink:

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Um, then you didn’t read the thread. I have been all for Account Wide Ignore and the use for Battle Tags for a forum ID this entire thread. Show me where I was against it?

Specifically its about the forum, yes, but I do believe some from that side and certainly myself want said ignore to carry into the game as well.
If I block you here and its using the Btag behind the scenes, then being blocked in game as well would make me overly happy

There’s a reason why i’ve reported you for trolling here mate, because of toxic positivity comments like this. But go off “fRiEnD”… :roll_eyes:

Dodging the question isn’t being polite. No mater how you try to spin this, dodging the simple question isn’t polite. And being “uNfoRtaBle” is just simply an excuse. Ard could’ve settled that by saying “No, i’m against people asking or threatening harm against others” and be done with it, but instead, he danced around it, using the appeal of authority fallacy, not actually answering it. And we all know what side he landed on, being pro harm here.

And since you CLEARLY don’t know what being polite actually means, let me tell you then.

Politeness comes from your actions. Not from your mouth.


sometimes people just aren’t interested in answering a question and that is perfectly fine, people are allowed to make decisions like this… it is our job as a friendly human being to kindly respect the decisions that people make.

you may have wanted this person and myself to answer a question but we made a personal decision to decline that question. we are allowed to decline questions and you should respect that because it is the kind and friendly gesture to make.

well, here friend, i also have something to add… it also is less polite if you push someone to answer a question that they declined.

we do have some disagreements and that is ok… sometimes people have disagreements, you shared your side and i shared my side. now we both understand eachother and are better human beings because of it.

take care, my new friend, i am so glad we had this lovely chat.

and just to be clear, i am still using my right as a human being to politely decline answering your question…

have a good night :slight_smile:

Not sure why you would question someone who wants the same thing as you then. Maybe you should just shut your mouth at a certain point? You are exactly why I need account-wide ignore and more ignore slots.


Aren’t you a bucket of sunshine and rainbows lol
