Can we get account wide ignore?

Everyone does things they regret. You’ve put in work like many others here to be better based on what happened in the past.

Its the folk who continue to harass and pretend they’ve done nothing wrong who are the problem and these forums currently give too much leeway for those sorts to do so.

Account Wide Ignores are a great step in the right direction for that. As well as further Account Wide features, such as account wide likes, flags, posting histories, post count and Trust Levels.

That way everyone can be protected from the most common types of harassment on these forums and we won’t have to get bogged down in ridiculous arguments with the same troll every week.


There is so much fake syrupy sweetness in this thread it’s going to get ants. :ant:

Account wide ignore would be great.


hello, friends… i would like to thank you for sharing your opinion but, because of facts, it has been shown that account wide ignore would not be very good for the forums.

here the reasoning behind the correct, factual position:

i hope you have a lovely day and take care, friends :slight_smile:

The fact that this person can still spam the same thing over and over and claim it as a fact when it isn’t a fact…


thank you for sharing your opinion, my friend but i think it would be better to speak kindly of everyone…when people are kind to eachother, then the world is a much better place :slight_smile:

well i provided a step by step analysis of how account wide ignore can be used to find alts.

would you like to go through each step and tell me if anything is incorrect?

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Why do you care so much about finding alts? I don’t care if someone finds mine. I have nothing to hide.


Lol, I said that a couple times previously in this thread and people against it acted like they’ve done some shady stuff they really want to hide.


Dont. Its baiting you to get you to keep repeating yourself to get the ‘spam’ thing.

I already tested what youre talking about and yes…it does work

The only reason they are using the argument is so they can continue bypassing people’s ignores with there alts to continue with the trolling.


I like the one claiming they tested what the other claims and found it to be true… when its not currently a thing.


It would appear they are immensely afraid of the concept of an account wide ignore feature. I assume because they use their alts for less than honest ends.

Like I have a ton of alts that I’ve used on the forums and I’m not at all afraid of people managing to find out who they all are. Hell I’ve even pointed out my more common toons on the forums several times in the past so folk don’t need to seek them out. (Sometimes specifically so they can ignore all of them if they want to not talk to me. lol)


Let’s pretend for a minute that someone wants to block someone to “stalk” them…

The suggestion made here is a true block where you don’t get to see those hidden posts of someone you have on ignore.

Imaginary problem solved.

Here’s a +1 to account-wide ignores.


But what if a person spends 5947 hours slowly scrolling though threads while constantly blocking and unblocking someone to see if 2 characters ever vanish so they can stalk and find their alts!


I dunno if it is possible to stalk anyone anyways? I mean lets put it this way for a second:

In order to stalk anyone in game, would mean having to go to the full detail of following them completely, which may be possible, but due to how the servers are today, with the layering and the shards, chances of seeing the person in the open world is very low. Plus, if you send a message to that person, they can just easily block, which means only way to able to send a message is hoping they haven’t blocked you with all there toons, or switching an account.

And if someone reports the behaviour to Blizzard, I’m not sure how long the process works, but pretty sure Blizzard will take appropriate action if needed if such behaviour is found.

And well, within the forums, if we ignore them, it wouldn’t matter, we can keep blocking faster than they keep creating new accounts.


Thankfully, the block works the other way and the other player wouldn’t get to see anything either.

It’s a win-win.


well, hello my new friend… thank you so very much for sharing your opinion.

but i would like to counter that opinion with a fact:

blizzard hasn’t stated that they will implement account wide ignores while removing the hidden message feature, so it is still a very real concern for everyone involved.

thank you so much for the input, though, my friend :slight_smile:

But what if someone buys a 2nd account and spends 18362 hours recording every single character to ever exist on the forums while scrolling through the entire forums on both accounts while spam unblocking and reblocking someone to eventually figure out someones alt to stalk and harass them!


you make a very good point here, my friend… that is the genuine concern of many people here and i would like to personally thank you for stating that concern.

it helps us explain to blizzard why account wide ignores are not good for the health of wow forum community.

thank you again for your input, friend, and i hope you have a wonderful day :slight_smile:

Honestly, I wouldn’t care if people found all my alts. I have the tools to overpower them anyways, with ignores and reports.


just because you want account wide ignores doesn’t mean that it is good for the wow forums.

thank you, friend. have a lovely day :slight_smile: