Can we get account wide ignore?

This option despite being one way to do so, facilitates others who would go around other posters attempts to ignore them.

This should obviously be a problem logically.

The issue here is that with the account wide ignore, person b wouldn’t be switching characters. They’d just put person a on ignore and it would be done.


no see, the person who ignores has the option to search for the ignored person’s alts by finding hidden messages on the forums

there ya go, friend :slight_smile:
i hope you have a wonderful day

Who cares. If your so worried about being oust then you’re 100% a forum troublemaker.

End of discussion. You lose…

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thank you for your input but i am going to have to politely disagree with you.

i hope you have a wonderful day, friend :slight_smile:

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No need to be patronizing.

that is my thought precisely, you did such a wonderful job of articulating that magnificent point.

thank you so very much, friend :slight_smile:

Well, one thing for sure…NO ONE will be able to take anyone from one group seriously ever again when they say others are coming into their threads to get them shut down.

This thread isnt even worth the time investment at this rate. Definitely going to be 404ed thanks to the last 100 posts or so.

Im out.

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Posters just carry grudges too far, which is why we can’t get any forum changes.

It’s not “carrying a grudge” if someone never changes their behavior to stop doing that which makes other people dislike them.

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OK. What do they do to harass at that point?

An ignore in either direction removes that option within the forums.

Person B who would be doing the ignoring to get away from harassment wouldn’t be trying to harass person A and person A using the feature to find Person Bs alts would already be ignored by person B.

You’d get a better discussion from a brick wall.


Sure thing dude.

They were, and still are, continuing the behavior that results in them being disliked.

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Aren’t you dude number 1 for getting these threads shut down?

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Oh yeah, it’s little Ardy!

Its a team effort the regulars of these threads can’t help themselves.

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Good old Ardmcfarts.

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That doesn’t give you the right to rally pitch forks around posters you don’t like.

Which is why these posts are always going to end up as bonfires and any argument for forum changes will be shot down since its primarily driven by hate or an unreasoning sensation for revenge.

Which you and you sock puppeting brought on. Since you keep derailing and war chating “404”


If everyone remained civil, there would be no issue.

Alas…that isn’t the case and will unlikely ever change.

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