Can we get account wide ignore?

Well that makes it unanimous, then, because nobody else wants anything to do with you, either.


Great. So why are you against account wide ignores then, since account wide ignores adds stronger privacy for you against others?
Why are you against BTags then since BTags has stronger privacy than your character-server?

Like, you say privacy is everything, but yet, you seen to be against anything that can make privacy stronger for you and others. Because we all know the full real reason as to why: You just prefer to engage in toxicity and bad behaviour, some of which, is also breaking laws in a lot of countries, such as stalking for example, when you’ve admitted to something you like to switch around to try and contact someone who has blocked you.


They really don’t care about privacy .

They are just blowing smoke using that as an excuse to hopefully prevent Blizz from doing something that would protect other people’s privacy from her

To be honest I’m not sure she could tell the truth if her life depended on it .

There others I have ignored but out of all of them she is probably the one person here I would gladly never interact with again on any level if account wide ignores are done .


Because on the old forum when someone would ignore my alts, people would mention how my other alts I spoke on would mysteriously disappear when I would speak on them, and I hated that.

Call-outs should not be allowed.

Not against btags.

My view on that is that it’s only personal if I was doing it in-game, by posting on a public forum no laws are broken as you are consenting to everyone reading what you have to say.

I would suggest people maybe think twice about posting on certain places on the internet.

As an aside though, what you say is a grey area legally I think, say for example someone blocked me on a chat forum, if I was to delete my account and make a new one later, I wouldn’t see that as wrong, as that would be my choice to make a fresh start, now I admit of course if it so happened in that situation that someone that blocked me got in touch with me and we were suddenly on better terms, that would be a good outcome, they could always block me again if they figured out it was me,

The problem with blocking/ignoring is that it’s SO final…I only ever do that under extreme circumstances. Funnily enough most people that have me on ignore/block on the internet I am actually fine with anyway.

Funny, that.


Knowing someones alts is not a call out. If switching between alts, and someone calls you out with such behaviour, is not against the CoC. How ever, if someone does call out your alts on the forums, then yes, it is against the CoC under Harassment, though this depends on the context of the call out.

Your behaviour here says otherwise. Want me to also link the other thread to say otherwise?

You do know Blizzard takes a strong stance on online harassment with there services. Because if Blizzard didn’t, then every country, would be taking out anger on Blizzard, and Blizzard could face charges on the globe for enabling this sort of behaviour online. Take from here in Australia for example, it would fall under online stalking. If a person blocks you, they block you. You should have no right to have a way to bypass a block to even attempt to contact them.

Because bypassing someone ignore to even try and contact them, it falls under harassment here on the forums. Outside of the forums, depending on country, trying to contact someone who has blocked you can fall under stalking. Though everywhere has different laws to what authorities would do if caught with stalking. But the point is, engaging in that sort of behaviour, Blizzard does take a strong stance on, because even Blizzard knows what would happen if governments from around the world would do if Blizzard didn’t.

No, I would suggest you think twice before engaging in toxicity. Because the forums is not a place where your supposed to be toxic towards others, and engage in such bad behaviour.

It depends on the purpose of the account. If you delete your account, then at a later date, decide to re-sign up and create a new account to play WoW, then no, that isn’t considered as doing anything wrong. However, if you delete an account because of someone blocking you, and you create a new account to communicate with such person, then yes, your found with harassment, and if the process keeps repeating, Blizzard will report it to the Authorities. And if found to sign up here in Australia, they’ll report it to the Australian Authorities. Because then that is where the stalking comes in.

There is no problem with blocking or ignoring someone. It is by everyone’s choice to whether they block or ignore someone. Everyone here on the forums has every right in to do so, for any reason, or no reason at all. There is no rules in ignoring or blocking people.


Doesn’t sound right.

Either none of that type of behavior is acceptable or it is. Creates its own brand of toxicity.

Which is why I’ve been calling for updates to the CoC.

Everything has its own context. Call outs even have its own context. In otherwords, it is the context of the call out on whether it breaches the CoC or not.

Look at 2 examples: Lets say I created a thread, and I’ll use you for an example:

Thread A would say:

People should invite Ardmccloud to help them, he is a great guy, and he does help you push your keys.

Thread B would say

Don’t queue with Ardmccloud, he’ll trick you to helping with the key, but will leave the group in the middle of the dungeon.

Which context of the call out would be breaching the CoC? Context is everything, which is why it isn’t on the Code of Conduct, because the context has all different meanings when it is calling out to whether it breaches the Code of Conduct or not.


As I view it call outs in any form encourages behaviors like stalking or witch hunting.

Regardless of the context in which it is used.

If someone is violating the CoC, then just flag and move on.

Trying to make a spectacle or example of someone in the context of moderation just encourages more bite back.

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Which has what to do with being ignored on the forums?


Nothing. It has literally nothing to do with it. Again, just Ard being a posterchild why we need it.


Well it goes back to my argument that adding more ignores won’t fix anything.

I don’t think you understand though. Call outs are an entirely different topic in itself. And it goes into context, because there is many different meanings to call outs. If you want to stalk people or witch hunt others, than good for you. What people want is more security over the information they see, whether it be through an account wide ignore, or just implementing BTags on the forums to ignore the user.


Which doesn’t address the behavior of said posters, just throws up another wall that’ll just be ignored or climbed over.

It is not my job to police on behaviours of anyone. It is my job to monitor my own behaviour. It is the same with everyone here on the forums. We’re all responsible for our own behaviours. If you think someone is breaching the CoC, then report it, and move on. Not that hard to do.


They’re not against them. They just don’t want their privacy to be put at risk with any kind of suggestion someone comes up with. I’ve seen suggestions on here that do that. One was someone saying to expose everyone’s email address.

It’s been in dire need for years. It’s too vague, generic, ambiguous, and convoluted.

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You do know that the other Blizzard forums use Btags, thus giving account wide ignore capability?

Please explain how.this is current.

No one here is protesting against account wide ignore for the other Blizzard forums, so why not just have the WoW forums fall in line?


Btags is fine. I’m talking about actually showing people someone’s email address, which was one suggestion that someone made. That’s a big fat NO for me too.

I, along with the person above, are not saying that account wide ignore is not a good thing, it would be very beneficial, just not in the ways that some are wanting that reveal things that others do not need.

It’d be the best thing since we don’t have cogshanks anymore to reveal it when people try and pull the wool over your eyes. One thing I’ve read that some people are doing is purchasing multiple licenses to games (some multiboxers) so they can have multiple “separate” forum accounts.

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Literally never came up here. Dunno why you’re talking about it. Starting to really feel like another Lilithia with you’re being extremely obtuse.


People just need a sub, they allow free trials to post.

Blizzard needs to make it where you are a certain level or new expansion purchase to post.

We have an example here where someone made a throw away account and didn’t have to purchase Dragon Flight. They made a dragon and a draenei both at starter areas.

I think the Btag is good enough at least playing whack an account is not as bad as playing whack an alt.

I’m not sure if Warbands will be effective on the forums as well as in game, we’ll find out when it happens.

Summer is going to be interesting to watch to see what happens.