Can we get account wide ignore?

Everyone has the right to privacy. But, your version of privacy and actual privacy are 2 different things. Do people not have the right to have privacy on when placing someone on ignore, that the person people ignore should not switch characters to bypass the ignore? And considering that Blizzard actually does take a pretty strong stance on harassment within the forums.

There is concequences for every action you do here on the internet.
If you do the wrong, then the concequences are going to be bad for you, but if the actions are good, then the concequences are going to be good for you. But there is concequences for every action.

If you want the privacy for sending hate messages, or dropping people like flies when they become friends with you, then you should write that down in a notebook, and hide that notebook under your pillow.

I mean, lets use 2 examples:
Example A: I find WoD a lot more better of an expansion than Legion, BfA, SL and DF altogether. And I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion. I have made my stance on this before, and guess what, nobody evaded my privacy on this. Because this is my own opinion on something inregards to the game. And as unpopular as my opinion is, it isn’t going to come back to me as something bad.

Then Example B: You with your comments in this thread where you have openly admitted to making self harm messages to people in the past, or dropping people once they become good friends with you. Stuff like that will come back on you, because once you display that sort of behaviour, or admit to doing that sort of behaviour, then the community will remember this sort of thing. It will come back onto you, because people do not tolerate this sort of thing anywhere. Harassment, self harm messages, hate speech, outright trolling, this sort of behaviour most people do not tolerate.

I mean, hey, you’re free to post what ever you want here on the forums, as long as it is related to the purpose of the forums or not in violation of the Forum Code of Conduct.

Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression does not protect you from Freedom of Consequences. You’re on Blizzard Platforms, you’ve agree’d to Blizzard’s rules.