I get that they like to monkey around with stuff without considering what players think or feel. I’ve seen tree forms and stewards vanish before, but Dusty was part of a double act with me, part of my role play, and it feels weird playing without his companionship. After years of learning to tolerate, and even care for one another it just isn’t the same not having him constantly there.
A non combat companion would at least fill some of that void.
You know you’re going to revert the change sooner or later on another change for the sake of change update, so why not let us have a passive companion fill in for the time being?
The entire band is gone. 
There’s one that’s catchable in Zul’Drak.
Yes, but tiny.
You can use the pet size increaser items (cannot remember what they’re called) to make them bigger.
I feel you there. It’s how I was with the Observer for my Warlock. Ten years of RP and just… gone.
And while there are battle pets, they’re just so… smol… I don’t want to have to pet biscuit them all the time. 
Same here and there were different water elementals with glyph customization.
The bigger ones are better for RP.
Yes. Water elementals (and other pets) aren’t just pets, they’re family.
You can also use pet food to make them much bigger 
Edit: nvm, people already said that lol
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I really wish Blizz just added more class flavor via glyphs. It’s fine if they wanna balance stuff around combat, but good god why are you taking away things that add flavor to the game…
Especially when they are core to the identity. It’s like they don’t even think about how players might be attached to things.
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There’s 6 Water Elemental Battle Pets that use the Water Elemental model - with different colors. The Water Waveling is the closest to the original. The Seafury is the HD version of it.
There’s also these Water Elementals, which are different models, but still water elementals:
There’s also the Pandaren Water Spirit and its 2 Beer Related Recolors:
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Sleepy Willy is the greatest battle pet. No slander!
There’s a toy that also summons a Mage themed elemental non-combat pet based on the three specialisations and Frost’s is a mini Water Elemental.
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Again, there is a SIZE difference and
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Thank you for your advice. I now have him back. I can actually name him, and he’s a proper low-res Jellomental like he used to be.
He can’t fight anymore, but after years of loyal companionship I can’t turn my back on him. 
He can fight. Just uh… Critters.
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