I really don’t have time to sit in queue for things these days.
Yea, I can do other things while waiting, but then I waste my trueinsight pots and get less gathering done.
Or I don’t get the gold WQ done. These matter when your time is limited.
Its better for me to just do my delves and gold WQ on my spriest then when I get to play again to do the gathering on my druid.
interrupting those things to do queue stuff would mean a trade off for me. I simply wouldn’t have time to do one or the other. So I’d rather sacrifice the group content.
Can we get a queue counter for LFG/LFR?
Tiffany digs through her bag and comes up with a queue counter for LFG/LFR and give it to Sapphirrah.
Tank and Healer queues are virtually instant.
So all this does is show you the estimated wait time as a DPS. Which is pretty much what we currently have.
Another issue to consider is paused queues. Once the queue resumes you’re placed in the queue as if you’ve been waiting the whole time.
E.g. if I queue LFR and a BG, BG pops and I finish it, leave BG, LFR queue basically pops right away because the queue system says I’ve been queued for LFR for 20-25 minutes.
we can simplify it to just show whatever spec you’d like and how many are ahead of you.
So if you are DPS it would just say something like
“5,681 more players until it’s your turn”
or something like that.
a generic timer is really usefull
I’d rather know how many are ahead of me in the line/queue
Like walking into a store and seeing theres 2,000 people in line at the checkout counter. It would be easier to choose if you were going to stand in line and wait or come back later. A timer over an enclosed tunnel that just read “average wait time 5min” wouldn’t be very informative.
It’s queue content, nobody cares.
You need 2 people with half a brain who aren’t AFK to clear it.
will never be done- because if ppl can see how long they would really be waiting they wouldnt bother , the constant adjustment to the time makes you think ‘it wont be much longer’ .
I think if we had a queue counter, with the estimated wait time… that might be better…?
As it sits, tanks and healers are hard to come by.
I tank, occasionally, and I get in right away.
When I DPS, I have to queue without my hubby, because it takes exponentially longer together than alone.
All in all, I don’t know if seeing a queue counter would help with frustration.
I don’t know that there is a solid method for accurately portraying where we would sit. If it told me I was fourth in queue and my average wait time was 14 minutes that could very well extend based on the amount of tanks and healers. So even their best guess is still an estimate as rough as a stucco bathtub. I think anytime we queue without a full party. We are simply rolling the dice.
They should let you chat to the others in the que, tbh. Sometimes I don’t know if people are actually there and I feel like if you could at least confirm you are there people would be more willing to wait around for whatever you still need.
The cognitive dissonance is strong with that one.
Wouldn’t the one role high in demand always be a zero since they often have zero queue time?
Tanks: 0
Healers: 12
DPS: 4,324
would be more accurate. (LFR can have 0 or 1 tank)
Once in a while there are 0 healer or even >3 (>15 for LFR) DPS going by the rare role bonus loot when you check the role and queue.