I’d like to see an official post on start-end time, quests, etc.
That’s too much work for Blizzard.
Warcraft Tavern has a nice article for Hallow’s End. Looks like there is a headless huntsmen sword that drops that is same stats as Spiteblade.
they probably are all still “working” from home. So yea people are just sitting around not even doing 1/10th of the work they would do if they were at the office
Although I could see there being a blue post today I wouldn’t really trust dates.
lol they arent going to post anything until they close the event early by accident, and then reopen it a day later.
if you didnt notice we dont get a post about anything
Won’t matter because they’ll just post the wrong dates
Theres a mount on the line so naturally people are already getting salty over it.
Well if you log in today in NA it has begun….Start time established. Oct 31 is safe bet for end date
They’ll just end it early and say, “It was intended.” And even when we show them that’s clearly not the case, they’ll say, “Sorry for the confusion.”
Here’s the only thing I could find from WoWHead posted earlier today:
But you can’t trust wowhead because they told us the goggles were dropping earlier than the actual date.
Yeah, all that productive time commuting, in meetings, get distracted by people coming over to your cube (or worse!), water cooler time, yeah.
Imagine not being able to just you know, do your work at home.
You mean something like this (but for Classic)?
^ this
Oh gimme a break, every studio that has worked from home has had delays and has not gotten done what they normally would have gotten done if at the office. Working from home is not good for game development. I know this first hand… well 2nd hand as my brother works for a pretty popular studio. They have had some minor hits but I gotta tell you, the amount of work and dates they had set before covid… none of them were hit.
You’re only lying to yourself if you think more can get done working mainly by yourself instead of working together. Or you are making the argument because you are one yourself that are still working from home and you found it waaaaaaaay more comfortable because you don’t have people telling you what to do or a boss hovering over you making sure your work got done.
I’ve been working from home for over a decade. LOL
Sorry your teams can’t handle getting work done without a manager breathing down their neck.
The one guy working on classic has his hands full fixing horde BG times, you think they can also post information?
it’s every team, virtually every studio had delays due to people working at home, even triple A companies. not sure what you do but it’s probably something not really taxing at all, if you truly believe 1 person can get more done than working together with people, you are just delusional. Ever hear the expression 2 heads are better than one?
a mount? what level? just started wow last year, have several characters