Can we get a notice on the character page to which toons have Vault waiting?

I run multiple toons and it sucks to have to cycle through them all to see which have Vault items waiting.

I looked for an addon but didn’t find one.


Or you can remember which toon would have vault

why dont u just organize them according to which completed the vault and not

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I’m not against your suggestion but you can always check them on Monday night (via the UI, not manually running all of them to the vault location) and then make a note somewhere. Then on Tuesday, check only the ones you’ve notated.

This has been requested hundreds of times, because it’s a great QoL request. I’m all for it.


If i can see a little icon telling me my character has mail waiting for them, I donʻt think it would be too far a stretch to also have some kind of icon for vault rewards waiting.


I see at least one addon that claims to let players see vault progress across characters. It has Great Vault in the name and should be easy to find.

Still, an indicator for vault status on the login screen would be nice.

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I tried one taht claimed to be great vault but it only worked on the expac a few back.