Can we get a Maelstrom Weapon spell alert / power aura that can count to 10, please?

Obviously you can do that via WA, but this should really be baseline.


I think any information that is important to a spec should be shown to the player baseline. If people want to use addons to personalize it fine, but they should NOT be mandatory.

For tracking maelstrom I use Tell Me When. I set it up to put a little box on my screen (positionable where ever I want) that tells me exactly how many stacks I have at all times. Its simple and does exactly what I want it to and nothing more.

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Escape > Options >Combat > Personal Resource Display (ON) > Hide Health/Power Bar (ON) > Show Personal CDs (ON)

Ironically you have to turn your spell alert opacity to zero in order to see them since Stormbringer procs will actually cover them up. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahahahaha (which is below in that same settings window)

Doesn’t track Hailstrom stacks but does a great job with everything else. Even gets Stormweaver stacks.

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There’s so much important info missing in the game that really should be part of it already. They decided to let add ons take care of it rather than themselves and now it’s arguably the biggest barrier to entry of any part of the endgame. Telling a new player that they have to get 50 add ons to actually play the game is murder for growth.

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