Can we get a DPS dungeon?

All it needs to be is a straight hallway (why make it hard to get around) with groups of enemies all huddled in tight camps along the walls. When you pull one, anywhere from three to five of them run at you for a total of about 17-25 enemies all at once. When you get them down to about 8, the next groups pull automatically, no need to stand around and let the tank heal and the healer get mana, you’re the best dps ever after all. The best part can be that when you inevitably die the dungeon will blame the tank and healer for you and auto kick them.


Uh oh.


Island expeditions and scenarios are DPS dungeons.

I had no idea Robbie was monitoring the Robinsons’ blood pressure levels. That robot really could do everything.

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Why they should of kept the mop model of 3 person scenarios. Didn’t need a tank, or healer to do those for the most part. Sure it was nice having one, but not needed to do them.

so, island expeditions?

Meh. Mops were a lot better imo. Better objectives. Gathering azercrap is just meh.

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He’s a precursor to the smart-watches :wink: