You literally had the best patch ever 10.0.5… Everyone having fun…
Then this,
As someone who has played this game a long time, spent a lot of money, and always suggested this game to my friends. I would like to just hear some sort of communication.
Playing a ret is almost at the level of using an Aimbot in an FPS.
I’m not sure what you’re expecting a blue post for. We’ve seen one pass for nerfs already. We are seeing another one tomorrow along with some bug fixes. It is my guess that we will see where rets are at after that and go from there.
Listening to the forums in 10.0.5, you would have thought arms warrior was just as overpowered as current ret is. Its participation/population at higher ratings was higher than everything else (at least in shuffle). I hope some people who are newer to the game now understand the difference in a truly OP plate melee spec and the fact that warrior is just always a naturally high pop class because of it being such a generalist. Peak 10.0.5, you could still fail as warrior. High pop, but not strong enough to completely displace entire classes from 3s and shuffle. Has actual weaknesses.
Ret honestly wasn’t that bad. Especially in regular 3s where it got to play its normal comps. When shadow priest was at it’s peak, playing ret in shuffle was not fun. But it was not this paper thin useless spec that apologists like to talk about. The problem was relying on bubble as a primary major defensive when fast MD is super prevalent. Now it has like two entire specs worth of self sustain and defensive cooldowns on top of bubble.
AND enh shaman, surv hunter, fire mage, boomkin, fury warrior, outlaw rogue to name a few other underperforming DPS in 10.0.5. Give me a break lmao, rets were just the lucky ones who got a rework that made them outrageous. Plenty of other specs are NOT doing well in pvp right now and haven’t been. Acting like rets were bottom of the barrel when they were actually performing better than Enh Shamans and Frost DK for majority of this season is so cringe.
The most fun part is nearly killing an enemy player for the win only for the enemy player to receive temporary invincibility from a Paladin and then get fully healed. Absolutely not rage quit inducing, right?
It’s not like it was universally bad in shuffle. It was always a function of priest being overpowered. It had comparable pop to the other b+/a- melee specs.