Can we get a 300% exp boost now

Recently Aggrend said that the SOD team is focusing on promoting people playing SOD, this is great and all runes being available from lvl 1 is start.
However, it is still classic wow with lots of grinding slow leveling. I would suggest increasing the exp boost to 300% to promote more alts/returning players. I want to return to SOD but classic with a 150% boost is still painfully slow.


Is it though? I hit lvl 9 before even leaving the Valley of Trials, one shotting stuff the whole way…

Getting about a level an hour on my 50+ pally too. Thats WAY better than vanilla.

Might as well just give out rank 14 , 100% mount phase hunter no doubt with 58 boost.

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Disagree. You quickly outlevel areas you are in as is. 150% is fine.

IMO, their complete focus should be on the upcoming Naxx, Scarlet Enclave and Karazhan Crypts releases as that is the type of content that will draw players back to SoD

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I am already out leveling most content. So no.

As a returning player, I’d be fine with a bigger boost, but I also think it’s fine how it is now.

The 150% it’s at now feels way faster than 150%, but that could be that I was trying to play on fresh where every zone has no mobs and you can’t quest.

40-60 is eye gouging…

sounds good to me!