Which is smart of them… since DKs were soloing raid bosses prenerf.
That would make it waaaay OPed and nobody wants another feral debacle.
Which is Blood. Its just a name that they gave to a build to categorize it on WCL because WCL isnt set up for singular specs being able to fill multiple roles.
I understand that but look at blood parses. They’re all at the bottom of the meter even if they’re tanking with a rank 1 parse. It’s not gonna be any better/different if the person playing blood isnt tanking. The top blood DKs are running full dmg builds and trinkets. Look at their rotations. There is literally no benefit to bringing a blood dk as dps if a frost or UH dk can do it better. Buffs maybe but most raids have a paladin MT and blood dk OT
No you literally dont. You were trying to say it was a completely different spec when its not. WCL also looks to have issues with actually categorizing stuff properly due to it not being able to distinguish between Blood DPS and Blood Tank. No Blood dps should be doing under 2k dps in Ulduar. That tells me that its not being categorized properly. Its one of the easiest DPS specs to play, there are 4 things you really have to do. Keep up diseases, convert runes with Death Strike, spam Heart Strike, Death Coil to RP dump. My DK isnt even pre-raid BiS in terms of dps and it pulls close to 3k as blood dps.
You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Yes yes, you pull at least 3k dps as blood. I’ll be generous and say you do at least 4K. You’re probably basing your “viability” on the fact that you parsed high as blood dps which is like an Arms warrior placing in the 98th percentile but still being at the bottom of the meter.
I play a dk
You’re the only one who keeps bringing this up. Blood is viable as a DPS not because you can “parse high” but because it’s doing viable DPS. Every damage dealing spec is viable as a DPS.
Next phase Blood is going to catch up to Frost. We get a significantly better sigil and tier bonus.
Copium. I knew you’d reply. Unfortunately, being at the “top of the meter” in a ten man isn’t a reasonable metric to consider blood’s viability. Keep dreaming
P.s. just because something can be done doesn’t mean that it should be done. No one cares or prioritizes viability in world of Warcraft.
You’re absolutely clueless.
This is a video game. It’s an RPG.
The reason Blood dps was garbage was because of Dancing Rune Weapon being bugged to infinity, in the last two rounds of PTR updates, they have been fixing the bugs for DRW, so it looks like it will be a viable dps now, might even be better then Frost and Unholy in ICC
If you’ve been participating in the blood DK disc you’d know that the “fixes” equal a whopping net gain of nothing, specials hit for more but autos for less for a net gain of nothing.
You dont listen do you?
3k dps and I havent even gotten pre-raid bis. Top Blood in Ulduar is pulling 300dps less than the top Ret.
Also, you have no idea how to determine if something is viable dps if you keep bringing up ranking. But even that doesnt matter because do you want to know how low your dps needs to be to be “viable”? Lord Marrowgar only needs around 12k raid wide dps to beat the enrage, that means viable dps for each person is like 1.2k dps. Sartharion 0 drakes to beat the enrage single target dps needs to be… like… 300 dps.
But thats not how the playerbase sees viable. They see viable in pulling similar dps as well performing specs. Blood is a little behind even though it is a DPS spec.
Blood should be on par with Frost and Unholy in ICC at least in terms of DPS output. Access to a lot of armor pen and crit and hopefully by ToC DRW will be fixed, which it should have been fixed for Naxx.
Ranking is the metric by which viability is determined. If it’s as viable as you say, then we’d see a lot more blood dps. The numbers/statistics that rankings give us don’t lie.
So much copium. The fact that you keep using phrases like “should be” instead of “is” proves my point.
Also, no decent guild works from the “we only need the bare minimum damage output” position. It’s always about improving a kill and getting faster kill times with efficiency.
On ignis:
Blood DK at 9,477.1 dps.
Ret at 9,459.0 dps.
That’s an 18.1 dps difference at the top, not 300.
Yeah, you can add that and unholy frenzy on top of his damage for yourself
The top Ret also had a kill time of 1:51 compared to the DK at 2:12. The top Blood DPS at 1:51 was doing 9,644 DPS with an additional 474 DPS from UF. That’s 10.1k DPS compared to the top Ret’s 9.5k.
UF is likely going to be attributed back to the Blood DK in ToGC. Kihra from WCL said this:
You keep talking as if you’re in a position to scoff at people not contributing the maximum amount of DPS to their raids. Is this your raid?
Lots of green and grey parses there. Maybe replacing them with a couple Blood DPS could up your overall raid DPS with the increase to survivability they’ll have!
No, thats not how viability is determined. Viable is the ability to work successfully. Just because something is viable doesnt mean its convenient.
And yes the rankings do lie when the rankings cant distinquish between a tank and a dps.
Also you clearly need to go back to school, because when you talk about a future patch like ICC, you use the term “should be” and not “is” because its not the present.
Not to mention some of these people that are low on in Blood DPS parses are doing literally nothing for like 1/4-1/3 of the fight. So they either died or just went afk. No one at ilvl 229 should be doing 2.9k dps.
Did you really need 2 posts to basically say the same thing? The only one huffing copium here is you.
Looking at overall and the top parse is only 300dps away from each other not a singular boss. Not to mention when you look at these Runeblade logs towards the bottom which throw things off big time making it look worse than it is, there are portions of these fights where its only diseases doing any damage.
People like Psiilocn just probably look at all percentile, overall and then make a judgement from it and not removing these issues from the pool giving a false reading.
It was an alt raid for most of the members - we do splits you guys act like you’d be able to perform at the same level as a rank 1 blood dps
“ Viable is the ability to work successfully. Just because something is viable doesnt mean its convenient.”
Yea… i said that.
Well, I am the rank 1 Blood DPS in 10m. Not that it matters, there’s no use in arguing anything here because you’re not interested in engaging in dialectic.
Blood is absolutely fine as DPS.