Can we finally just drop the race/class "lore restriction" pretense?

There was some pretty sick concept art of Lightforged with near-black skin, so with a black and gold/bronze aesthetic. Really wish we got those instead of just white on white on slightly less white white.

They could, but the idea of “cat form” is assuming the visage of the wild god cat

Blizz doesnt want to make a wolf model for then

If Blizzard put any time into Worgen maybe we would have seen alot more stuff done for the race but as it stood they spent too much time on the Goblin areas and just ran out of time for Worgen development. So we got the abomination for 10 years and little to no customizations for our Worgen form/druid forms. But as for the druid thing it was long before Blizzard tried to stand out of the comfort zone.

“Lore” is whatever nonsense/fiction that Blizz pulls outta it’s hindquarters.

This game has been around for how many years? Time for making it ‘fun’ again by loosening restrictions: Forsaken Shamans (TOMBSTONE TOTEMS!!!), Forsaken Druids (all sorts of dead/rotting critters in Tirisfal Glades can be used as models), Forsaken Paladins, etc,etc.

This game needs more Forsaken…


The ‘lore’ purists always leave me :rofl:


I honestly wouldn’t care as long as there’s some reason for it. Night elves can be priest because of Elune. Tauren Paladin aren’t really Paladin. They’re Sunwalkers. Troll shaman/priests are actually voodoo practitioners/witch doctors. There’s lore reasoning there. It works for me. Even something like NE mages. They always could use arcane magic. We’re just seeing the removal of the taboo against it.

Really the only one I don’t understand in Light Forged getting to be warlocks. But I’m sure there’s a reason.

The only thing I ask from a fictional universe’s lore is to be as internally consistent as possible.

Should look up Radical Inquisitors from Warhammer 40,000. That’s how I head canon how a LFD Warlock operates.


Worgen druids that actually act and look like worgen druids is literally like number 2 on my WoW wish list. The wolf form was already a druid form. That was the whole point xD

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That…actually makes a scary amount of sense. I’m not sure if it fits into WC lore completely, but… WC has a lot of it’s roots in WH, so… I’ll allow it :sweat_smile:


It would make mine worse. People already freak out when they see Peddlefeet

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those people need to toughen up!!

i mean for lfd warlocks, the guy in the quest explains it basically “its not inherently evil, its how you use it, and i choose to use this in the service of the light”