Can we finally have Mighty Caravan Brutosaur in a trading post?

In BFA a lot of players were not able to get that mount. Wowhead claims that only 4% profiles own this mount.

The AH on this mount has a very strong utility and the convenience this mount provides is unmatched.

The current rate of appearance on the BMAH is extremely low and it is taking a YEARS for it to show up on your realm, not to mention that a lot of players camping BMAH.

People are desperate for asking this mount to return for years. Option to buy it in a trading post would amazing.

Could be different color, could be 20 year anniversary gift etc. Multiple way to bring it back.

Thank you. :four_leaf_clover:


Really nice idea. The only thing I would change in ur idea is not to bring the Brutosaur, but a new mount with AH. This way, ppl that wasted 5M on BFA or ppl who waste 10M in BMAH will still have a rare mount, and we will have a mount with the same abilitie. I say that, because its not fair for someone that wasted that many gold in mount, and the mount comes ā€œfreeā€ for everyone.

Edit: also want to say I agree that have a mount with AH in it, is game changing, and there is no way u get the mount in BMAH, even if u have enought gold, u still need to buy a boost with a ridiculous price to get the mount in the server it spaws at the exact moment it shows up, or another booster will get it


Would be nice to see that mount back in the game or at least another mount with AH on it.
Maybe make another version of it or just a recolor.


Only if its worth several months worth of tenders.


it would need to be worth like 500k tenders :skull:


Trading post? No
but it should be buyable from the vendor for 5m again
the stupidest fomo i ever saw in my life right there


Thank you for posting this. Iā€™ve been posting about the Brutosaur every 6 months since it was removed from the vendor. (I feel thatā€™s infrequent enough not to count as spam but often enough to make the point) My post months are November and May, so thanks again.

I would just like the opportunity to buy it. I could even pay up to 7,500,000g now if they wanted to raise the price. If they made it 10M gold like the BMAH, I would still be happy and could get it in a reasonable time.

It took most people about a year to grind the gold. So a year of tenders.

Twitch reward would be more likely than TP, but vendor is fine. They could also make it a different color so people who got it first still have that status when they mount.


like I said above, just do a new mount with AH, so ppl that bought brutosaur wont get mad. AH in a mount is game changing, it NEEDS to be accessible (in terms of ā€œlogisticā€) for everyone. Right now, u have to have 10M gold and pay like $1000 for a booster that have around 1 million characters around WoW server, to spot the brutosaur and buy for u

Just a little story here. I got 10M gold to buy it from BMAH and bought premium TSM to know when it show up. End of the story, I wasted all gold in T3 sets, because when TSM email u, the mount is alredy 10M gold, and wrost than that, in my region the BMAH reset like 11PM ~ 12PM (Im sleeping to work in the next day morning). Even if I had characters all around the wow servers, I wouldnt be able to get it, because boosters have a team just working on thisā€¦

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Add the auction house version back to the vendor-
add a new version without the vendors thats a recolor that can be obtained by other means.
there, problem solved
Could make the auction house one be gold cap if blizzard really wants to be obtuse about the bmah thing

also as a hunter main- tameable brutosaur devilsaurs when?

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recolor would be nice. Because mount intself is the biggest ground mount so far.

thank you.

I personally camped BMAH for 2 years and that mount never showed up, spend 30 million gold for unclaimed loot boxes and nothing. (because mount was bugged and never dropped from unclaimed boxes, and s never showed in BMAH.)

I kept trying also and did weekly in-game suggestions to bring it back.

Trading post would be a nice idea for this mount to return in a different color. Blizzard already bringing back tcg loot in trading post anyway.

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Given the comments Blizz has made regarding the mount in the past, the AH specifically is why it got ā€˜retiredā€™ and moved to the BMAH. I donā€™t think theyā€™re going to undermine themselves by turning around and essentially mass-releasing an AH mount through something as accessible as the Trading Post.

That said, I can see them putting a Brutosaur mount (with no AH/vendors) on the TP at some point. Brutos already have white models in the game as well, thatā€™s just waiting to be turned into a mount!


no it wouldnā€™t. 1000 would be fine.

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I know someone that paid $700 for it in WOW tokens for this mount. I think 700 Travelerā€™s Trading tender would suffice. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


As someone who has it, I am fine with them bring it back, but not in the Trading Post. It should be equally difficult to get as it originally was.

It was not dificult to get. Pretty much easy or you could just buy with real money via tokens.

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  1. I think they should entirely rework the BMAH so it is no longer a system that incentivizes degenerate gameplay. They should turn it into a vendor where an item will come up on every realm at the same time, and can be purchased by everyone who wants it on that realm.
  2. I think the brutosaur should be put back on the vendor, along with cheaper slightly smaller recolors without the vendors. Lots of colors.
  3. Or failing that, make it part of BfA timewalking, requiring a number of badges it would have taken as long to farm up on one character as it did to earn the gold originally.

Nice ideas, thank you for sharing!

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Just add it back to the original vendor at the original price. It should never have been removed in the first place.


That wouldnt really be fair to all the people who spent money on game tokens >:(

I spent a lot of my time for most of a year farming gold to buy it. I think they should bring it back.

I also think that anyone who spent their government pandemic checks on buying tokens as readers were told to do in repeated threads started by what seemed to be Blizzard marketing operatives insisting everybody should do that should have had red flags come up in their minds.