Can we do something about Mana Rift and Arcane Mages?

Mana Rift. This ability just needs removed. It isn’t fun to play against a team that stacks defensive talents and traits and just mana rifts its way to a victory. There are multiple DH/DKs right now in the above 2300 bracket that couldn’t tell you up from down but they know how to mana rift and press death strike. Please remove this retarded monkey flipper ability. Rework DH if its that big a loss to the spec in arena. Losing to a mana rifting team is the most enraging thing and this has been going on all expansion long with DHs.
Also can we look at how Arcane Mages purge 40 times per 60 seconds and there is no punishment for doing so because they can blink 3 times to a pillar and channel evocation back to full mana? Heck, if you dont have a ranged interupt they literally just shimmer around in the evocation cast so that they can continue to spell steal spam you out of the game. SUPER fun to play into this by the way /wrists
General gist of the post is I’m tired of queuing into teams that don’t do anything but rely on a gimmicky no skill BS way to win games. Biggest encourager of this crap was the BS mana changes instead of buffing throughput from DPS across the board. Now instead of trying to win through damage teams just try to find a way to win through mana.
Fix the game for gods sake this is ridiculous.


Playing a healer now is like watching one of those bad torture flicks where you know whats going to happen and you know its going to give you nightmares but you watch anyway even though the popcorn is stale and the Pepsi is flat.


Haha well said

Isnt there like… 3 DH in the top 200 of 3’s? I get it might be a bit frustrating between 1800-2500 to lose this way. As its a simple win condition - beat us before your healer goes OOM.

I think there are drawbacks to manarift - as you usually have to stun into it. Wont work against any Orc classes as your stun is over before the rift hits.

Im all for removing it - dont think their representation at top tier PVP justifies this however. Also if you are Mana rifting - you are almost definitely trading off a big defensive (e.g. darkness/RFA) or hurting your damage from not picking up the meta talent.

Sounds like a healing issue, not a class issue

dont you play with prot warriors?

i see you tanked

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Car parts?


Happens when I just play with more people other than sitting my rating. My btag is full of potential partners. I grinded glads win out who cares now?
As far as the “Beat us before you oom” guy. Do you realize that DH/DK is literally only countered by like 2-3 comps in the game? Everyone else just auto loses into it. So for those of us that dont play Frostmage/Destro, Godcomp, or RLD can we for the love of god gut the idiot mana rift crap?

car parts!

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I can’t see your page to see what your rating is right now but did your team seriously have such non-existent pressure or control that you lost to a Mage who spent 40 globals on a spell that does no damage and tanks his mana when spammed back to back to back and so on?

You’re a Resto Druid, the healer best equipped right now to get drinks off in 3’s; you also have the ability to stun anyone you want that isn’t a Demon Hunter from stealth with Rake, why didn’t you drop combat and go and stealth up to the Mage and stun him in to a Cyclone in to a Bash in to another Cyclone? Or better yet, why were your teammates or you pursuing the Mage when you could simply swap to the other DPS and cut off his pressure; apparently the Mage spammed Spellsteal 40 times so he can’t have been putting up much damage?

You act like we have 7 Blinks, we don’t, we have 2 charges of Shimmer and Displacement resets a charge when used (Displacement is a 30 second cooldown).

It’s clear that you know next to nothing about Arcane in BfA or you’d realise that making Spellsteal more expensive wouldn’t actually make your grievances go away with the spec (one you are more than well equipped to deal with without any help). Nerfing Spellsteal to make it more expensive would actually just be a damage nerf for Arcane as we have 4 talents and a mastery that assist us in maintaining and regaining our mana. We have a talent called Time Anomaly that randomly procs 4 Arcane Charges, Arcane Power for 8 secs or 1 sec of Evocation (and no you can’t interrupt it as it has no cast bar, it regenerates roughly 20-25% of our max mana each time it procs so be careful what you wish for because you might just get it).

The reason Spellsteal is so cheap for Arcane is because all of our core damage spells minus Arcane Barrage cost a boatload of mana to cast for any meaningful DPS, not that Arcane brings a lot it in the first place outside of cooldowns. They tried equalising the cost of Spellsteal in Legion and it basically pruned the spell for us because unlike Frost and Fire, Arcane actually uses mana as a DPS resource, not a Spellsteal spender.

The reason Spellsteal is strong for Arcane right now is because of the mana nerfs to healers that Blizzard have so far tripled down on; attack that, not Arcane.

Arcane is one of the specs that is actually functioning in a healthy way in PvP, don’t wreck that just because you didn’t do any research on it before posting your thread.

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Literally this is the only time I’ll ever stand up for loxatar

Arcane is obnoxious, this is my opinion. It isn’t healthy. That’s fine you can have your own opinion.

Arcane mages are so strong because of the rdruid meta, if you don’t understand why standing there stealing every hot leaving a Druid constantly in caster form rehotting isn’t creating pressure then idk what to tell you

Also idk I think lox has his 2.7? So he’s literally 1200 above your highest rating ever, this is like last season when that 2.9 cr arcane mage was saying arcane isn’t bad as was trying to help you to understand but you kept calling him bad.

Just chill, take a step back it’s not a personal attack. I’d love for arcane to have its place but a spellstealing blink bot isn’t fun for anyone. Advocate for some healthy design, once the rdru meta dies down it’ll be an indirect nerf to you don’t forget.


I’m sorry you left your brain cells by the door but a good Druid will not just stand there reapplying hots while the Mage keeps stealing them, refer to my comment above where I list ways to counter Arcane as a Resto Druid. Let’s keep in mind that Resto and Arcane counter each other with the Mage being able to heal off the Druid and the Druid being able to cut off Polymorph affecting them with their forms.

My highest rating is nowhere near 1200 below 2.7 but if you’d like to carry on thinking that rating is a permission slip to spew lies and ignorance on the forums then you are living proof as to why rating means nothing to intelligence and being correct.

That supposed 2.9k cr Arcane Mage who was suspiciously nowhere to be found on the ladders was flat out playing Arcane wrong and was being carried by his teammates, ignoring Arcane Blast has never been the correct way to play Arcane in BfA for absolutely anything.

And just remember, a nerf to Spellsteal’s mana won’t change a thing, we’ll just take Time Anomaly and carry on the same as now anytime we get matched against a Resto Druid team.

I made an entire thread 5 months ago in the BfA Items and Classes forum detailing a rework to Arcane to fix its incomplete state - https:// us .forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/my-arcane-mage-wish-list/14387

Yeah I’m sure it was a healing issue, not a class/design issue in the tourney setting also when the win condition was oom’ing a team.
Definitely a healing issue. smdh

Tbh, I much more annoyed by Mana Rift than Spell Steal spam. At least I can have a lot more drinks against an Arcane Mage. Last night, around 21xx mmr, I fought a team that their only objective was to OOM me: they were overlapping all kinds of ccs to make sure they were able to land 100% of mana rifts. Was stupid to the point where they were using 2-3 ccs in sequence, DRing everything they have, just to make sure I couldn’t get out of the Mana Rift area, once MR was off CD, they setup again because the CC DR was over as well.

I managed to drink once and had my innervate removed by the DH in a heartbeat (I had full hots + innervate but, idk why, is always the damn innervate that gets removed). We, of course, lost once I was completely dry and their resto shaman was sitting @ ~70% mana.

It’s an extreme toxic ability with very little to no counter-play that affects ALL HEALERS, not only druids, because doesn’t matter how good druids are in squeezing drinks, is almost impossible to do so with a DH chasing you.

Mana rifting will hurt your damage? Really? I have a screenshot back home (I can post later if you want) of a DH doing almost 15kdps while rifting me every time his stuns were off CD (usually Fel Eruption into Imprison, if I running Relentless).
I agree with you, a DH will have to trade some good talents to do this, but on a meta that mana is the most critical resource to any healer, this is a very easy decision that will easily create unfair win conditions, don’t you agree?

Do you realize you just proved OP’s point by writing this, right? You are saying that a mana-drain type of ability that has basically no counter-play in a meta where mana matters more than anything is okay and the problem is a “healing issue”?

an arcane mage will oom a rduid much faster than a mongoloid-ing dh ever will

both are disgusting but what do you want them to do?

the only reason to bring a dh is to burn blue bar

remove it fine but you have to give them something in return because they are garbage tier without it


Such is my fear about maining a DH, one nerf like that due to mana complaints could make havoc useless in arena

As an arcane mage myself, you cannot remotely think arcane is in a healthy spot in PvP or PvE. This whole expansion arcane has only been good with high damage partners- and only been strong verse double melee/rdruid healers due to the spellsteal and kiting it has at it’s disposal compared to the other two specs of mage.

The mana issues only further amplified arcanes niche to a gross amount. But you take away arcanes niche and it suddenly is very weak again.

I am basically saying- if you want to nerf spellsteal on arcane which I agree should be changed in a healthy way, you’d have to compensate the spec in some way. I for one think arcane is in need of an overhaul/rework, but I doubt blizzard would ever consider it this expac. Also, I agree; mana rift should be removed and in it’s stead should be their artifact ability as a talent choice.

TLDR: Arcane hasn’t been very strong in PvP minus versing melee cleaves and rdruid teams. The mana changes and rdruid inflation has only amplified this to where it’s now a relevant and apparent issue.

The problem here is you decided to drink Pepsi and not Mt D

At that point you’re pretty much just a gimped WW with no MS.

Sarcasm, my friend… Sarcasm. Mana rift is terrible and I love my dh. Hated mana drain abilities when other classes had them, hate it now.

I vsd a dh the other day… Didn’t have to land 1 kick, his pve rotation was terrible but he was able to land a few rifts and oom me. His “MANA RIFT” spell was better than my lfg random I played with.


MR is pretty lame and scummy in my rat league games, can’t even imagine the tilt higher up. Unpopular opinion(?): Let us banish players again.