Can we can gain Faction Rep with Tabards in Classic?

Will we be able to gain Faction Reputation for the 4 races by wearing their Tabard in dungeons?

No. Tabards were just for show until wotlk


I’m not sure there even were Racial tabards at that point, since they were introduced in 3.1.


There are Alliance and Horde tabards available through PvP but there are no individual Faction tabards, no.

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Ok thanks ya’ll

They didn’t even exist as far as I remember, and that vendor didn’t exist beside the gryphon master. The only tabards I remember in classic was your guild tabard, and there was only 1 guild tabard and it didn’t give any rep.

I also remember trying to get the silverwing tabard and never getting it lol There was also a few honor tabards that looked kind of like stormwind tabards but they didn’t have a lion on them. And I think I heard some people getting that tabard of the lightbringer back then but I never saw it myself.

There was the guild tabard and the Argent Dawn tabard and the Illidari Tabard. I think a few others.

There’s one for the Scarlet Crusade

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Ya I was just replying to her post about the city tabards, there was no stormwind tabard or ironforge tabard or anything like that.

Guild Tabard

Private’s Tabard

Knight’s Tabard

Silverwing Battle Tabard (WSG)

Arathor Battle Tabard (Arathi Basin)

Stormpike Battle Tabard (AV)

Tabard of the Argent Dawn

can’t think of any others off the top of my head besides horde equivalents and the TCG tabards.