Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

After a nice long walk, I am reminded of a simple quote. Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I have been successfully trolled and they decided to report me for trolling by taking the bait. There is no discussion here, just a never-ending garbage fire and there is no hope for people like this.

I won’t go as far as the op and wishing harm on anybody, but I do hope their socks never come out of the dryer dry.


any sort of opposition and they go right to the harassment claim
its typical on how some operate with their nonsense


An acceptable outcome. Ditto the other thread. Both are equally pointless.

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Is this as poem? It’s not very good.

why don’t you ask him why he keeps replying after saying he wont? is it only hypocritical if its someone you don’t like?

You made that disgusting comment about Ard’s “grieving period.” You don’t have any credibility here yourself.


Irrelevant. He’s not wrong in this case. One side drags someone on the other side for hypocrisy, but people on their side get a pass. There’s an abundance of hypocrisy on both sides.

I mean, ‘my side’ is lobbying hard for account-wide ignores, yet seems incapable of using the ignore we do have (myself included, but I’m trying to be better).

Edit - spelling

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just block them with the current system they say


Isn’t that appropriate, considering none of them care for other people’s lives. They would even let people mock their own families death as of recently so they can keep the forums btagless i guess.

how is it irrelevant when ppl are going on about ops nasty comment…?


Probably better not to engage with them. They’re extremely toxic, as they have proven themselves in the other thread with their comment towards Ard.

So, you’re saying it was right of that person to made a very harsh comment towards someone whom lost a member within their family. Because that is what Doness meant towards them in regards to what happened the other week.


No it’s not. People knowing what OP did because eventually (It’s human nature and internet) people did found out what they said, and OP wasted their second chances constantly by digging themselves in a hole deeper to a point where everybody avoids (and ridicule in addition, again human nature) them for tanking their own reputation is not witch hunting.

Esp since they seem to side or keep deflecting to mods, only to ironically have the mods turn on them. (something something live by the sword, die by the sword; you made your bed, now lie in it; you get what you paid for; etc…)

Unpopular opinion is one thing, but harmful opinions (and that’s what OP’s is, harmful) are another.

I’m a man of second chances, maybe thrid. Not Batman who is a man of hundred chances.

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I’m well aware, though I already pulled my “Screw you guys, I’m going home” card, I’m not ignoring you, I am just done with this topic because I can’t be bothered to add anything else to the topic besides raising a pyre.


How long ago was it that OP made that comment? Three years ago, I think someone said? Why would that be relevant now?

No, not at all. I’m saying it isn’t relevant to this discussion, or the other, for that matter.

Anybody with an ounce of intelligence knows that Blizzard is never going to make the forums any more anonymous than they already are. This isn’t something that needs to be argued. They may as well be advocating that the sun should rise in the west.

Just step out of the thread. This isn’t a serious suggestion, and you all know it.


Thank you. It is always a pleasure to read your posts. :four_leaf_clover: :night_with_stars:

I would strongly disagree. It goes towards whether someone is advocating for something in good faith or bad faith.

At first I just thought the OP was stubborn by ignoring points that people would make. When some of their old posts came to light, that puts wanting anonymity in a very different light. That context is very relevant.


the best thing about enhanced privacy features will be that people will be able to focus on the topic at hand and engage in meaningful conversation instead of looking at prior grudges with posters.

so what i’m hearing from people on both sides is that one side wants battletags and one side wants enhanced privacy.

i think we should just meet in the middle and offer this solution to everyone:

Blizzard puts btags on the forums but they are completely optional, there would be a box to check and uncheck in your forum preferences - should you choose to uncheck the box, then your btag will not be shown.

Blizzard allows a “streamer mode” for the forums where every time you log on, you will be given a randomized name that changes every time - again, should you not want to use this feature, you merely uncheck a box in your forum preferences.

that way, everyone gets what they want: one side gets their battle tags on the forums and the other side gets to use randomized names for enhanced privacy.

i think that would be the perfect solution.

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Throw in a six month cool down between name changes and erasing your posting history along with forum trust level gets reset to 0 every time you use it. That would work for me.

Frankly I hate everything about the original idea. However I am alright with making a compromise. That would somewhat (not very effectively though) handle my concerns for people held accountable for their words and actions.

you tell me. that post was the focal point to the majority of this topic and why it went to hell lol

That effectively solves nothing and is in no way a solution.


This thread was never gonna go anyplace else. Like I said, OP’s idea is never going to gain traction. Not with players, not with Blizzard. It isn’t a serious suggestion; it has never had any chance of being taken seriously, and it never will.