Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Ah, so it was a pretty bad post.

Seems like that’s all you’re here for anymore tbh. Besides agreeing with known trolls and sock puppets on purpose because “reasons”.

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Considering she wished death on people and said they should get the electric chair, yeah.

Then there’s the whole “being told to off yourself is just an opinion, you’re rude to block them.”

Again, yeah, pretty bad. And people wonder why no one is on her side.

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As have Btagers or account wide ignores have just piling in on the OP.

You wouldn’t use them properly since you’re so busy crusading against posters like the OP.

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Here it is again. Note how they have a response immediately after that and they do nothing to question the validity of the so-called “edited” quotes.

See, if I said something like that either by happenstance or because I didn’t read into the full context and somehow missed that glaring detail, I’d GLADLY own up to it and apologize.

Anything less than that deserves nothing. Well, except for maybe a well deserved vacation or exile.

That kind of thing is reprehensible.


well my point was now some people are thinking the mods are on sides and its hilarious lol.
i dont think it’s a good idea to start accusing the very dude who has eyes on this topic lol

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Because she drops a controversial topic and then disappears, refusing to answer questions, debate the topic or explain herself.

She’s just like you - stirring the pot while sitting back watching chaos ensue. Because we actually care about this issue, we care that people have been hurt.

You do not. Goodbye, I’m tired of your drivel and will no longer stoop to your level. Have a good life. Hope you get more hugs because I think you might be lacking there.


Oh, I did not know all of that. The forums can be a crazy place at times.

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Once again, the true path toward increased security and privacy is implementing BattleTags with an option to only display your BattleTag. Then also implement a way to block BattleTag invites.

There. Actual enhanced security without giving trolls and stalkers the tools they so badly desire through anonymous posting.


Vongola#1794 is against anonymous posting.

Vongola#1794 is for battletags, usernames and account wide ignores.



This is a public forum.

Sometimes you’re going to run into nasty users and no amount of tools or ignores can insulate you from them all.

Things could be better but taking a torch to the nasty just encourages them to flock to the negative vibes.

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battle tags provides zero security. It will change nothing. based from hearthstone and ow2 forum experience.

And they can not happen here because it is mmorpg forum.

Doomcookies#1636 is now stalking Vongola#1794.

Doomcookies#1636 is now dancing with Vongola#1794 super secret information.



You better not reveal the super secret location of my taco stash! D: Ayu is already stealing them from me…


Depends on the poster, but a lot of this has to do with other people on alt accounts, where they’re already, effectively, anonymous.

The Warrior forums had a literal troll poster (with a troll level 10 character) pretending to be a CE raider that posted nonsense for almost a year. Then he was superseded by some hunter that just crossposts multiple forums (including multiple class forums) with absurd ideas much the same way.

But they’re alts with no linking.

People want your background, so they can weigh your opinion against their own experience, and the general community’s consensus on things, particularly related to balance. It’s not universal in that regard, but I don’t hold the opinion of someone pushing only achievement rating in M+ (2500) very high, since M+ has only gotten massively easier over time. If you aren’t playing at the top end, you cannot see the issues there, for example. So, while Vengeance DH is insane in keys, people running 10s aren’t involved in that in the slightest, so if they play it and keep getting destroyed and ask for buffs, that experience and opinion isn’t valuable in the discussion of balance so much as skill and “git gud”.

Reddit is honestly a better place for what you’re asking.


You were told by the mod, and this goes for everyone, that if people are really a bother, then you can report them, block them and disengage in conversation. What you’re now doing is pushing people against the wall, making horrible, baseless accusations for the past few weeks on this subject towards anyone not 100% on what you want. You were told to stop accusing and you keep doing it. You can be to or against this but this little charade you keep doing is really unproductive and it’s getting very annoying. We can tell you’re really involved into this but you’re making this some massive crusade like a lot of people on these forums are the devil’s spawn. Again, if people you think are trolling, just ignore them, all you can do right now. I still stand by more privacy options either way.


In the words of Danzig, “I’m gonna take your taco stash out tonight. Gonna show it my world.”

takes tacos to get margaritas

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I’m pretty sure that’s… not how it goes. but now I want to find a karaoke machine


You say you’re for more privacy options, but you only ever post in opposition of people who are for actual privacy options. And not the “cut off your leg to cure your stubbed toe” privacy option that Nelfas has proposed.

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