Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Oh my that will not do, now will it?

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The usual suspects are here, so I’m not sure what he expects to happen.


It is quite an enigma indeed.

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This would be the only comprimise i would accept. At least i know i’m ignoring an account when i go to check. :+1:

Know what? Garden soil and Manure. Imma go make my “Personal 2020 to 2025 Games.” topic.


Now, the question at hand is this now, how would one go about blocking a person commenting via an anonymous post?

Seams quite problematic if we cannot block or filter what kind of anonymous posts one wants to see.


It’s a new form of mental training. Can’t block anyone, just gotta deal with them. Strengthen your mental fortitude, worgen! :muscle:


I believe my mental fortitude is adequate for most situations, however, I do worry about the situations that could come about with this type of posting.

Sure, one could simply “not read” the post, however, what can be done regarding problematic topics and posts? Surely one could report them but what is to keep the same offenders from creating more drivel?

Edited to fix typos

They want to be anonymous, but they don’t want BattleTags because having a character is an important part of the MMORPG forums.

No they weren’t, Vrak said he would unlock the previous thread and told them to behave. You saw where that went.


I feel like this is at a point where it could be considered spamming, surely?

The content of the main post is exact word-for-word of a prior thread that was taken down…


How many times are you going to make this exact thread, bro? Give it a rest already, nobody wants anonymous posting.


Here’s some thing interesting. After the initial post of the thread, look at the frequent posters thread. It shows the level of engagement and who actually posted in the thread, the OP shows as one post as of 4 hours ago. I’m thinking this is a hit and run thread for them.

No, I didn’t. I’m new to this battleground.

the moderators will action their accounts, same as they do now.

I’m still here…

Or they have a life outside of the forum, one or the other.

I think they meant regarding the drivel that can be contained in anonymous posting.

Almost time for bed here.

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ICC just started.

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Ah ICC. That was an engaging and memorable raid.

Are your fights within the halls going well?

We just had this thread like three-four days ago with the OP getting shot down over it. Why is there another?