Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Yeah I’m not too bothered about what we get. Full btags, partial or a new username, all are fine to me. So long as we can still switch characters under one name and no anonymous posting (and tacos) I’m happy c:


At this point I don’t care either. As long as it comes with a functional ignore option.


We have partial atm. Full would be to where the mods wouldn’t even be able to see any information tied to the person posting on their side.

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I want everyone to answer a question when they sign in. “Do you like tacos?”

If they answer no, they are auto ignored to me :smirk: :taco:


Guess what? you cannot control what other do off site. Deal with it.


I mean as long as they can’t disclose any of that information I think it still probably counts. Otherwise I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as fully anonymous posting.

Correct, when Blizzard updated the site to use Disourse, it broke Cogshanks. and that was that. I wish it still worked though.


Remember: OP has stated multiple times she’s uncomfortable with BLIZZARD having her personal information.

So advocating for them to no longer have thst info probably isn’t too far off the mark.


Not on this forum. There are ways of posting like that with 4 chan, which it even gives a liability waver when going onto the random section of the website.


Well unfortunately they can’t even fix that by unsubbing at this point. Blizz has that info whether they like it or not now.


If you delete your account and never come back, does it eventually get deleted? :thinking: probably not, huh, since it’s an MMO. Might stay in the cloud forever.

Actually they, Blizzard does have a process to scrub a Battlenet Account of ALL personal information, once done, it’s permanent.


Here’s my answer.


Sounds like the perfect idea to forward to the OP then.

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Respectfully: Please do not misconstrue my words in order to support your false narratives.

Armory and Post stalking does not exist in the terms I refer to. Ayukama is correct about that.

What I referred to was, specifically, using CheckPvP to find all of someone’s alts, purely with the intention to stalk and harass them in-game across numerous throwaway characters and/or accounts. Just as I was stalked and harassed by a male player who thought my female avatar in a prior game was attractive, and refused to take no for an answer; they utilized that forum’s forceful name/server display alongside my guild’s information in order to hunt me down, in-game and friend me, solely so they could track where I went, on any alt - and even began to harass my friends, my guild members, and my then-girlfriend at the time.

That is the stalking I am referring to. Not simply finding the alts of a known troll so as to place them on ignore, or checking that someone’s gear/ilevel/achievements match up to claims they are making when it comes to content. What I experienced in that prior game, is the reason I want a unified forum account and/or Battletags, with only an option to add our character/server names underneath.

Anonymous posting would only encourage toxic and unsavory behavior such as that, even more than the forum’s current workings already do. So - again, please do not attempt to use my words to forward your own personal desires. I am very much not in favor of your want for anonymous posting, and I do not agree with the arguments you put forth in defense of it.

I’m very sorry, but… did you do this? :sob: :question: As I recall from this morning, you only quoted the part of my original post that stated ‘I do not feel safe’ - while cutting out the remainder of it, thus losing the context as to why I was stating such. Unless you have since went back and added more than that, in which case I apologize! I only just now went to lunch, and do not tend to routinely check the forums when I am at my desk working.



I like you :dracthyr_heart:

I’m sorry that happened to you :frowning: I haven’t had that experience myself so I can’t relate, but I’m sure it was a terrible experience. Probably scary, too…

I really hope the jerk got caught and banned. We don’t need people like that in WoW.


But but but… I use to work at a Taco Bell… Dooo I really have to say yes?

How about dessert tacos?

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I appreciate your condolences, though for the most part I am okay - they certainly made every attempt to try and find my IRL information, and roundabout-threatened to come find me… but luckily, it never went that far. This was not in WoW, however - it was in a prior MMO I used to play for a few years, until I ended up trying out World of Warcraft on my friend’s insistence. And the GMs in that game are unfortunately notorious in doing little and less with regards to stalking cases; the game systems themselves did not help, as you could add other players to your Friend List without their consent, and without them even knowing.

We ended up having to abandon our old characters entirely, as server transferring or renaming them would not help, due to the Armory-like website the game had. It maintained the same user ID code on the web link, so as long as someone kept that link saved, they could always find you regardless of any changes made.

It is, understandably, part of the reasons I am not comfortable with having my frequently-played retail character’s name and server attached to the forums. I do, however, still wish to have some sort of Battletag or unified forum account system implemented, with the option to do so left intact for those who do not mind or wish to present them!


It’s interesting for people to continue to support, and interact with those that threatened me and intentionally misgendered plus encouraged self harm, then say the other one is wrong in the same breath