Can we all agree

That the Titans are nothing but a fraud who tried to put their own vision over the universe and are activley lying to their followers how the universe came to be and put themselves as the gods of reality without basis for it? They ordered stuff. They didn’t create anything. It warms my soul to know their propaganda is absed on lies and deceit so far and that they will eventually fall and maybe even be the final evils/antagonists of the world soul sage.

For I say to all of you that we should praise the First Ones instead. Just like the Brokers do it.

Given the story’s trajectory, it’s likely the First Ones will get the villain bat too at some point.


Generally I disagree with Erevien on principle alone, but in this case, I just disagree outright.

We can’t say definitively whether or not the Titans are actually imposing their vision over the universe. There’s literally an alternate timeline where there win, and that’s not the right timeline according to them. We don’t know what the right timeline is supposed to be or how it unfolds or what the end goal is, but according to the Titans, their victory is not it, and they’ve been working towards what it SHOULD be.

I don’t know if they’re lying to their, ‘followers,’ either. I suppose it depends on what one means by their, ‘followers.’ If we’re talking about the keepers and constructs, it seems to be more of a case of the Titans not telling their Keepers everything, rather than an outright lie. They tell them enough to do their duties.

If this is about the history of the Black Empire being revisionist history, the Titans themselves had nothing to do with that. The Keepers decided to conceal the true history of the Black Empire from mortals.

I look forward to your shock when it’s revealed the Titan’s grand master plan that involves them LOSING the cosmic war, was to shape Azeroth to be born as a First One rather than a Titan. That seems to be the direction the lore is heading.

Not exactly sure the bad side of the Titan’s vision of the universe considering Eonar works alongside Elune, the Titans themselves granting powers to dragons and even a hammer for Earthen to populate (Khaz Algar hasn’t touched the rest of Earthen lore oddly). :robot::thought_balloon:

No thank you.


I just hate the Titans that is all.

Only thing we should praise is that First Cup of Caffeine in the morning


I expect the story to try to show us how bad The Titans are and accidentally prove them right and justifying everything they did.

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Titans been evil coded since Algalon tried to kill everyone.

titans were tinkerers. they were like neutral good.
however I prefer the morally grey lore because it makes old gods cooler

and the First Ones are the actual gods. I can easyli swear my allegiance to that.

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


You are not the majority.

Lies! :triumph:

… Jokes & memes aside — I just put the ‘No’ to represent the people of the forums all agreeing with one another :joy: As we both know, that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon.

As for the subject of the titans — I’m team Primalists :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lets beat the titans with Primalist allies and dragon powah! :facepunch: :partying_face:

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Would be cool to see Vyranoth reform the primalists as The Good Guys. But she’s my fav dragon, so I’m just a tad biased :stuck_out_tongue::rofl:

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I’d love to see Vyranoth’s Primalists and Iridikron’s Primalists reunite in ‘The Last Titan’ of the world-soul-saga, to face the potential threat of the titans together.

I’m ecstatic for the idea of Iridikron being an anti-hero against the titans, similar to how Illidan was for the Legion :partying_face: He’s such a cool character! :star_struck:


Alright, I get it—people are hyped about the idea that the Titans are just cosmic control freaks who imposed their will on reality and lied to everyone about it. But let’s take a step back and actually think about this for a second.

If we’re saying the Titans are frauds for not creating the universe, then why are we suddenly simping for the First Ones? What makes them more legit? The Brokers worship them, sure, but those guys would sell their own souls if it got them a profit. Just because something is older or more mysterious doesn’t mean it’s “the truth”—it just means we know even less about their real motives.

Like, yeah, they didn’t create the universe, but they ordered it and made it livable. Without them, Azeroth would still be an Old God-infested nightmare, and the Burning Legion would have steamrolled everything. They’re not just some cosmic Karens trying to enforce rules for fun—they actively fought against chaos so that life could thrive.

Let’s be real—every cosmic force in WoW has their own version of reality. The Light, the Void, the Titans, the Eternal Ones—they all tell a different story. Are the Titans just straight-up lying, or do they genuinely believe in their vision of order? There’s a difference between misinterpretation and propaganda, and I don’t see any clear proof that the Titans are knowingly deceiving anyone.

If the First Ones are these almighty architects, then why is their “perfect design” just an endless battlefield of Light vs. Void, Order vs. Chaos, Life vs. Death? Either they planned it this way (which makes them just as bad or worse than the Titans), or they abandoned everything and left their creations to fight it out like a battle royale. At least the Titans tried to fix things instead of letting us all suffer for some “cosmic balance” nonsense.

Do I think the Titans could be the endgame villains of the Worldsoul Saga? Sure. They’re arrogant, rigid, and probably won’t take it well if we reject their vision of order. But calling them “frauds” makes it sound like they’ve been cartoonishly evil this whole time. More likely, they’re flawed gods with tunnel vision, and eventually, we’re going to have to decide whether to follow their plan or break free from it.

At the end of the day, neither the Titans nor the First Ones are 100% good or bad. The Titans at least have a clear, tangible impact on reality, while the First Ones are just some cryptic, ancient beings whose grand design might not even have us in mind. So instead of switching from one cosmic overlord to another, maybe the real move is to stop worshiping any of them and carve our own path.

Just my two cents.

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Personally I’d like to see that the titans are noble from an overall perspective — but some amongst them go too far, or have drastic measures that cross the line.

Give some agency amongst the titans, having each hold a particular personality, difference of opinion and viewpoint of direction — and each holding their own unique set of morals.

Personally I loved how they did that with the Naaru - Where Xe’ra had pleaded that Illidan’s actions were just & utmost necessary — however A’dal vehemently disagreed, believing more strongly in the morals towards that of freedom and justice — basically flipping Xe’ra off & suggested to their champions to take him out for the greater good of the many. :joy:

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The difference is the first Ones are a blank page that can be whatever Blizzard might decide to do with them If we ever discover the truth. The Titans had a clear agenda from the beginning and been willing to push the reset button on Azeroth. Including wiping out all current mortal life.

I get the whole “The First Ones are a blank page, so they might be better” argument, but that’s exactly why we shouldn’t blindly trust them either. Just because Blizzard hasn’t fully developed them yet doesn’t mean they’ll automatically be the “good guys” when the truth comes out. In fact, the fact that they haven’t intervened in the universe’s chaos is a massive red flag.

At least the Titans show their work. We can track their actions, their plans, and their mistakes. The First Ones? They exist in vague whispers and relics, with no clear guidance, no intervention, and no proof that they even care about the universe anymore.

You know who else operates that way?

  • The Void Lords.
  • The Nathrezim when they were manipulating everyone.
  • Zovaal (who claimed to have insight into the “true purpose” of the cosmos).

See the pattern? The biggest threats in WoW are usually the ones pulling the strings from behind the scenes, not the ones directly enforcing their will.