Can we add some sort of burial for dead characters?

Not going into details but tank made a mistake after Cookie. Everyone jumped to the safespot except me. The healer jumped down to save me and ended up dying while I got to get to the safespot and live.

RIP Cutegirl, the Druid. Level 18. Gone too soon.


Proceeds to go into details.


She died a hero’s death, She deserves a hero’s burial

Also, I don’t know why this made me emotional for some reason


Maybe a memorial wall with their names?

edit: it’d wrap around Sentinel Hill…

I learned the other day that some people consider jumping on the wheel to be abusing game mechanics.

That made my head hurt.

Too many will die.

But we shall always remember the brave souls that sacrificed them self to save another.


Shes is not here, but in the hearts of those who love her

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This thread is full of cringe.


Speaking of cringe…

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and yet you’re reading it?..

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Go help her level a new one. Better than any memorial

I read the name as Cute G IRL. R.I.P. G.

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How do you know if something is bad unless you read it first? Think before you speak idiot.

lol reading is for losers, I just check activity log of saltedcashew-frostmourne and I get my daily update of the bad going on in these forums. You’re doing gods work son

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whoosh that went right over your head didn’t it?

Its about time someone recognizes it. I was going to quit, since you know, WoW sucks. But you have inspired me to continue. Infact… hold on, an idiot needs addressing

Ofcourse, I always duck stupid posts from stupid people.

Um… Cutegirl level 18… Yea thats the cringe part about it that people are talking about it.

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Thank you for sharing.

Are you the one he was talking about? Oh my goodness…no but I for some reason dont htink it was toon level 18 he was talking about.