Can vulpera get beards

can we have vulpera with beards?


What? Valps cant have beards? Are we serious? The best race ever to have a gotee


I just want my monk to have a beard :sweat_smile:

Wigs too, please. Elvis wigs specifically.


A beard and a big mustache seems appropriate. Maybe that’s just the fact that to my 1980’s brain I look at Vulpera and think immediately of Sir Didymus from Labyrinth.

Truely a great and virtuous knight of old. They also need to be paladins. And have an old english sheep dog as a charger.


You could dye your face fur a different color in whatever shape of beard you want. Just no long beards.

Instead of growing out new facial hair, simply trim down the existing hair so what is left looks like a beard and mustache.

Yes! Shave everything except the beard you want

Moustache and beards seem to be lacking on horde races. No idea what’s causing that pattern. :robot::thought_balloon:


Shaved foxes sounds like a new pet for rich women to keep in a handbag.

Here ya go, a bearded fox:


Kinda cute.


Think id take a mane over a beard, but I guess a mane can look like a beard. So, yes!

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kinda cute? VERY CUTE WWHAT DO YOU MEAN i need it more now.

Have you seen many (any) animals with beards? Besides turkeys?

Add beards and also hair cuts. I can’t help but look at the back of male vulpera heads and it looks like they have captain Picard hair cuts, being bald on top.

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Yes and Vulpera needs a Enterprise D and E battle pet to go with the Picard hair cuts.

Yes goats i seen

id rather see them be skinnable so we can sell their pelts for some trivial amount of gold as thats about all t heyre worth since the bodies are so small.

They gave us bare minimum sadly… no hair on our heads or facial hair for the guys…nope just fluffy foxes with the same three markings and fur colors across all genders. It would be nice seeing male vulpera get facial hair, maybe the option to pick the color of our markings separate from fur color as I’d love to see a white vulpera with blue markings in idk the same kinda color combo you get with female tauren DK’s special white fur blue hair. Our DKs don’t even get any special options unlike almost everyone else so… more options would be lovely especially if we eventually get Vulpera DH

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one day we will get more customization options!