Can Void elves make more?

They really aren’t.

Again its just Blizzard’s “there’s as many as we need there to be” philosophy when designing the game.

Trust me I wish we had finally got some concrete lore on Void Elves explaining where all those VE’s are coming from but right now it doesn’t exist. It’s just the Blizzard “printing press” churning them out.

As of now we don’t know, and it’s perhaps too early to tell but I would like it if they did, it’s not like the Void Magic Destroys their reproductive organs

i’m not even sure how regular void elves compare to Alleria but I know both their changing processes were different, or are they?

Sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if Void Elves were still fertile. But then you hit the fact that it’s hard hardly been enough time for babies to be born let alone grown into hundreds of disposable soldiers.

Then there’s also the moral implications of “should VE’s have children” even if they can. We don’t know what effect the void energies within them will have on any offspring. How does a baby with whispers going on in their brains since conception not end up an insane tentacle monster tearing its way out of its mother?

If you’re talking about the mission in Zandalar I was confused about that too, I thought there were like only a handful of void elves unless Umbrics following was actually that popular

That’s why I mentioned if the changing processes were different, if you noticed only a few void elves seem to “Hear” whispers some of them include Alleria, and the Void Elf at the Docks (Who uses a void pet) the rest of the void elves that i’ve seen so far especially umbric don’t show much signs of hearing whispers and if we are to take the playable void elves as an example we most likely could only hear it when we use void magic.

or perhaps that kind of magic doesn’t take hold of them till a late age? I mean Blood Elf infants seem to have green eyes as well from 2 Blood Elven parents rather than blue eyes but it doesn’t seem like Blood Elven children are Fel-Addicts.

All Void Elves hear the whispers. Even if in game they don’t acknowledge it. It’s not even a matter of the transformation process because Alleria hears them too. Heck you don’t even have to be a Void Elf to hear them, just be a shadow priest or have some K’thir kidnap you and zap you with void magic (like they did to Sam in the Stormsong Valley questline).

Blood Elves in general aren’t “fel addicts” they have a general magical addiction that is sated by the Sunwell now. And as we know IRL, drug addiction can be passed on from parent to child. But Void Elves are different. They were fundamentally changed on a biological level. They were also adults with Alleria there to help guide them in coping with the whispers.

I’d find it far too convenient to be plausible that Void Elf offspring don’t start hearing the whispers till puberty or some nonsense like that. Like the Void Lords wouldn’t take advantage of a malleable defenseless mind during its formation? That just breaks any suspension of disbelief. :roll_eyes:

That’s fair, but still though I would rather wait until void elves are more fleshed out before coming to conclusions.

That’s true, but again you could argue the same about void elves if you knew anything about the game before legion :stuck_out_tongue: