Can this macro be made?


Trying to make a macro that will cast Thoughtsteal on my focus target then allow me to cast the spell I steal like rejuvination on my actual target while maintaining my focus.

Anyone have any ideas?

/focus [mod:alt,@focus,dead] [mod:alt,@focus,noexists]
/clearfocus [@focus,dead] [mod:alt,@focus,noexists] [mod:shift]
/cast [mod:alt,@focus,exists] [] Thoughtsteal

Not sure this is what I am looking for.

alt-click to set your focus and steal the spell
click to cast it on your target

I get it can be done with a mod. The question was can it be done without one. Shouldn’t need a mod just to use 1 spell as it is intended to be used.

I guess the answer is you need a mod for it.

Thanks for the response though.