Can The Worgen Be Fixed?

TBH getting a treatment by Blizzard is the worst thing that can happen to you in Warcraft.

See Horde and night elves, Hell see Humans too.


Uhhhhh, the forsaken kinda became the Scourge for a moment there, the protagonist of the race ditched them and told them to eat boogers (the forums wont let me swear smh) and now they’re stuck with Calia.

I wouldnt go around throwing rocks, being that the house is made of glass at the moment

Thats because human death knights are the coolest :sunglasses:

The Forsaken’s racial is eating people. And I completely doubt the mad science, giant vampire bats and skeleton warhorses are going anywhere.

They’re not going to overhaul all those assets to make one character fit in slightly better. That’d be a patch’s, if not an expansion’s, level of effort dedicated to just one playable race to change things nobody asked for.

Blizzard can be awfully strange quite often. But that would be the most erratic and incoherent use of resources imaginable.

Like I said, best option I can see for them that includes the reality of Calia is in fact a Voss + Calia Dual Leadership situation. Both built up into equals. With Calia representing their “Citizens of Lordaeron” side of their identity, Voss their “Forsaken” side. Both in positive ways. And both serving to foster and facilitate the entire spectrum of identity that comprises the Forsaken. However, in such a hypothetical, I do think Calia still needs a reason to create at least some professional distance with the Alliance. Positive relations with Anduin and Jaina is find, but there has to be some politics there. One of many reasons of why I hope Turalyon (and perhaps the Lightbound) do try something while all us peaceniks are away in the SLs.

I honestly think like Calia, Faol and hey why not bring Zelik back while we’re at it should run like the Forsaken’s Peace Corps.

They could start by rehabilitating the Scarlet Risen. Who’s addition to the Forsaken could explain away any lingering population concerns for the foreseeable future. And it’d be a great excuse for Forsaken Paladins.


That too. Calia can be built up (and supported) by a cast like Faol, Derek, hell … Leonid (he’d be a cool addition with his history if we can’t have Zelling back). And who knows? Depending on what they do with her, I guess Summermoon can be thrown into that mix? Voss can earn the support of the older remaining cast like Belmont, Faranell, Tattersail, and Velonara. Build those two up, and a decent supporting cast around them, I think you have a recipe for something interesting there with the Forsaken. Especially if they’re allowed to turn the Scourge into a resource AND learn something from Maldraxxus/Primus (they are the Primus’ oops babies, he better take some responsibility as their conceptual “creator”).

Well yes. We (read “I”) think only of ourselves, of our loved ones. Why care about anyone else?
There is no need to worry about the Horde, the Horde denies our losses and refuses even to admit its guilt, let alone accept the role of a bloody sacrifice.
There is no need to care about people, night elves die for the glory of people, usually ugly. The story of the draenei is over, the Legion has been avenged, the Horde has been forgiven (?), What else can they do? The gnomes have it all the way after fifteen years of oblivion, new city and … well, they are all bad, but they have received a good new attention.
Worgen … worgen. Ravens. Ceased to correspond to their racial fantasy, homeless, doomed to extinction … Their suffering is similar to the suffering of the night elves. (Scream). But I do not know. Their sufferings are not sung at every step and new ones are not added.

Yes. I’m only interested in the night elves. Let it go. Try to sing about others? Why, I still don’t know their pain.
“You are all slaves and servants, nothing more than a good tool. Having recovered, I will forget about you. There is only the eternal, stupid and self-righteous me.”


Ну да. Мы (читай “я”) думаем только о себе, о себе любимых. Зачем заботиться о ком-то еще?
Об Орде заботиться не надо, Орда отрицает наши потери и отказывается даже признать свою вину, не говоря о принятии роли кровавой жертвы.
О людях заботиться не надо, ночные эльфы умирают во славу людей, обычно некрасиво. История дренеев завершена, Легиону отомстили, Орду простили (?), что им еще делать? У гномов все путем после пятнадцати лет забвения, новай город и… ладно, у них все плохо, но им было посвящено хорошее новое внимание.
Воргены… воргены. Вороены. Перестали соответствовать своей расовой фантазии, бездомны, обречены на вымирание… Их страдания похожи на страдания ночных эльфов. (Клекот). Но… не знаю. Об их страданиях не поют на каждом шагу и не добавляют новых.

Да. Мне интересны только ночные эльфы. И пусть. Попробовать петь о других? Зачем, все равно не знаю я их боли.
“Вы все рабы и слуги, не больше чем хороший инструмент. Восстановившись, я о вас забуду. Есть только вечный, глупый и самодовольный я”.

Is the quotation mark always after the period in English?

Look me in the eyes and tell me that doing such a thing is beyond them.

And what i think that is more likely to happen is that we’re simply gonna be told what are the forsaken like under Caila rather than us being able to see it ingame

I do think that’s beyond them. And I’m far from convinced Calia’s even going to wind up involved with the Forsaken.

She’s currently a non character. Her entire personality thus far is just pointing out the obvious politely. She really does remind me of companion NPCs from like Skyrim or Dragon’s Dogma who point out you’re standing near a cave or that there’s a tower in the distance.

The ladder is sort of a possibility. And I’m here for the unintentional hilarity of eating people in a vaguely less mean spirited way. Maybe scribble some smiley faces on the Blight canisters.

I think that’s the other problem. I shouldn’t have to make a horde character to see those badass worgen moments. Why is blizzard putting worgen relevant lore with horde questing anyway, you know?


To be fair, a lot of player factions look cooler as enemies. One of my favorite Forsaken bits is actually in the Alliance Stormheim sequence.

Because you’ve Forsaken leaping off vampire bats mid flight, sticking the landing and planting bombs on the Skyfire without missing a beat. And you don’t get to see Forsaken commandos doing wild ish like that Redside because by necessity the PCs are always lone bastions of competence in a sea of lazy idiots.

But there’s still plenty of cool Forsaken stuff you get to do. And Silverpine sticks out in my head because it really seems like there was supposed to be cool Worgen content.

Often on the Forsaken side you turn up at the aftermath of some battle or ambush where the Worgen totally cleaned house offscreen. And I just assumed you’d be playing these things on the Worgen end. I was looking forward to blindsiding the Orcish warships you find burnt on the coast.

But it ends so abruptly after you step through the portal into Darnassus. And it’s bizarre because the Forsaken storyline starts long after the Gilnean one concludes.

Blueside you leave with the Horde still attacking Gilneas. And as a Forsaken you start with the Worgen having pushed the undead out of Gilneas and all the way up to Tirisfal’s border.

So there’s no doubt some thrilling guerilla war stuff that happens in between. But uh, nobody gets to see it.


@Mika why are you looking like @Karestae? Or does Karestae look like you?

What are you on about?

Also exactly this.

The Worgen are of the nature pantheon but clearly they’re from the scarier, Unseely Fae side of it.

If they just said “Actually, it turns out the Worgen curse is from here” nobody would’ve cared. And maybe instead of deer people there could be Wolf creatures that look more like the 1940s Wolfman. And they’re all sorts of horrified someone slipped a curse based on them into the material plane, and you’ve to get to the bottom of that. Maybe we drag out Arugal from the Maw about it or something.

So much wasted potential.


The same portrait on the forum.
Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the Karestae character is not available for viewing.

Werewolves Vs. Zombies was cool back when it began. It was good for the Forsaken leveling zones so that you had to fight something almost as scary as you.
But if a Worgen were to bite a forsaken, the forsaken would just bite them back. I think the Worgen would “shine” better as an adversary to a race with less darkness and ferocity. Imagine Ivar Bloodfang and the pack busting into Silvermoon and turning some blood elves into feral worgen.

I’ve argued they, to me, feel like a better foil for the Kalimdor Horde. They turn the wolf aesthetic and physical strength angle completely around on the Orcs. And who doesn’t want to see some beast wars action between them and the Tauren?

I actually think outside a vacuum where it’s just them, the Forsaken and Worgen look like they should be on the same team. They’re both ex human predatory night creatures with glowing eyes and a penchant for snacking on their old kind.

That’s why what I think would be interesting is if the Scarlet Onslaught comes back with a vengeance. I’d say have them be instrumental in holding back the Scourge that’s, far as we can tell, still running rampant back on Azeroth during the events of SL.

So their recruitment sky rockets and now they’re this legitimately threatening human supremacist faith militant. And they really get a boost when some of these heretics start telling lies about what goes on in the afterlife.

So they launch a huge Crusade against both Lordaeron and Gilneas in an attempt to purge the inhuman filth from the lost northern kingdoms of man.

I’d have them be the major villains of a revamped Tirisfal, Gilneas and Silverpine. And have a minor role all over the place.

Facing this mutual threat who sees no distinction between them and will show them no mercy, the Forsaken and Worgen have to declare a truce and reluctantly join forces to break the Crusade. And from that a begrudging respect emerges and the road to a more lasting peace becomes at least possible.


I never thought of that. But an orc hunter going off into the woods to tame a wolf, only to run into a pack of worgen! That would be something.

I also think the were-bear should be the default druid form for them. I like that the “allied races” got something distinct, and I think that it would serve the worgen to have that.
I think it would also be good if the Worgen relationship to the moon didn’t remain through the Night Elves. Not saying they shouldn’t be friends with the night elves, but maybe they just get their own slightly different take on who or what the the moon/Elune is to them.
They basically need something on their agenda besides “get Sylvanas!” because they will run into the same problem as the Forsaken with “get Arthas!”. I’m pretty sure nobody wants a decade long storyline of “how are the worgen going to reproduce?!?!” If that’s a point that even comes up, i hope it doesn’t last long.


Their heritage quest felt like a nail in the coffin on the reproduction angle. I guess the curse isn’t hereditary so a baby born of 2 worgen will be just a regular human. And Tess Greymane not only decided not to become a worgen, but that actually worgens have nothing to do with Gilneas.

Which is pretty hilarious. Because Blizzard did everything neat you could do with Anglo inspired fantasy with the Kul Tirans already. So if Gilneas isn’t about Worgen, then all it’s got left is top hats and bulldogs. Which doesn’t seem nearly as cool as werewolves to me.


I think the biggest issue facing the Worgen is the overarching question of “Why would anyone in universe want to be a Worgen?” And the answer to that needs to be potent enough to cause a cultural shift in the Gilneans enough to preserve the Worgen curse. We just need to find that solution.

So … my suggestion is treat Lycanthropy like we treat Undeath. Make it so those that are afflicted are more resistant to the corruption and coercion of certain Cosmological Forces, outside of the one already corrupting the Individual (Life for Worgen/Death for Undead). And have this be the catalyst for a Dual-Identity of the Gilneans own to rise up, with Lorna Crowley finding reason to embrace and represent the Worgen side of that curse. While Tess Greymane represents the Gilnean side. Just as Voss would represent the Forsaken side, and Calia the Lordaeronean side of the Forsaken. Mirroring both nations once again.

EDIT: Also, give the Forsaken something worthwhile from Maldraxxus … and if a Life Cosmology story is down the way … have the Worgen gain something from that. Specifically Goldrinn, as even if he didn’t think Tess could handle the curse … that does not mean he won’t find someone (Lorna) who is able with his gift and blessing.