Certain parts of the UI scale are completely oversized compared to before prepatch, like the character selection screen. The individual elements are 300% the size of the original ones, and it’s really jarring and annoying to look at.
Does anybody know if Blizzard addressed this yet?
The “escape” menu is also gigantic now. I would love to see this shrunk down a bit to bring it more inline with how it was before.
I’ve been having a problem with bars at the very bottom of my screen getting pushed down and mostly off the screen. This seems to be part of the UI scaling issues in that I can tell from the login screen when this is going to happen because the buttons at the bottom of the screen are flush with the bottom edge of screen instead of having a small gap below them. I may have found a fix, though whether it’s permanent or temp remains to be seen. I deleted the Cache folder from -retail- directory. Might be worth a try for you.
The scale of various elements is not consistent.
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Probably wont get a fix until we get another patch, and Blizzard never communicates, so we just gotta deal with it for now.
If you or anyone else is still having this problem, turning off the in-game overlay in GeForce Experience fixed it for me.
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Bump! Same here, with Mac OS…please fix!
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It actually says I have an update in my tray for GeForce, any idea if I should do it or beware? lol I’ve had stuff get pushed off my screen once the other day, but logging out and back in fixed it.
Yeah, I had to update mine to turn the overlay off. Should be fine.
The scale of most elements should be in a more selective base, element by element.
Personally, I usually have issue with:
- esc menu: kinda big, could be maybe 10~20% smaller, ideally a separate scale for it would be nice.
- the minimap(can’t really move it to the corner in ‘edit mode’ because the clock and the zone name are attached to it, forcing the max position to keep the minimap far from the corner.
- the objectives: could be allowed a smaller font, mine is set to 12, a 9 likely would be ok for anyone playing on a 19"+ monitor
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There’s an addon that allows you to change the sizes of the UI elements you mentioned, if you need it let me know.
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if u talking about edit mode expanded, or something like that, it does work, but it had so so many errors happening during pretty much every patch that i gave up on it.
Using something to change the UI if not used by an absurd amount of people and heavily maintained(like ElvUI, Bartender, …) isn’t a very good thing, i used to even get those memory exceptions due to excess of RAM usage, now i try to keep addons to a minimal and convert most of what i can to weakauras, much lighter when u just need that one thing from an addon.
The UI scale slider is also broken. When I have it checked and on 65%, the UI is slightly bigger than when I have it unchecked (so slight it’s hard to tell).
When I have it checked and set to 100% everything is much bigger than when I have it unchecked. Shouldn’t checked 100% be the same as unchecked?
The addon I use is blizzmove. You can use it to easily resize certain UI elements like the character panel, quest log, achievement frame, etc. It’s still working and it’s pretty helpful.
I’m having the exact same problem as everyone else (UI Scale bar not working as before, certain UI elements insanely larger than others). Throwing my voice to the pile in hopes Blizzard is paying attention. I was really hoping the 11.0.2 patch would have fixed it and now I’m utterly in disbelief that we are about to go into the new expac in less than a week and there has not been a single mention from Blizzard that they are even aware of this problem.
I reported this all throughout beta and it seems as though nobody cared to look into it… this is huge problem for me. Please fix it.