I entered a basic Dungeon. I am a Brewmaster Monk. I’m a tank.
However I know how to do good damage. I’m a new player. Also, I want to peel for the DPS and Healer. I wanted to be the off-tank. So I queued for DPS role.
Then, maybe there was an error. All my talents were gone. They were unclicked/unselected.
I had to start re-clicking all my talents. And I did not remember exactly which talents I had. And there was no time to reclick my talents or figure it out. So I had to exit the dungeon. That sucked!
If I am a Tank, and I queue as DPS, would I lose all my talents or was that an abnormal error? Can a tank queue in Dungeons as DPS?
Edit: Ah yes. My friend told me. I tried it and I saw it.
If I queue for Damage, I am automatically switched to WindWalker talents. Then I must select the talents. Pretty cool.
I think Tanks should be allowed to queue as Damage. So they can be off tanks. But meh. I know Brewmaster a bit. But I could learn WindWalker also!