Can’t get heartbreaker achievement

When XT-002 drops his heart and I kill it he dies instantly, Ive tryed 4 times and still not working. I did every other achievement because I’m trying to get glory of the ulduar raider so it’s frustrating so if someone has a solution that would be great.
Yes, please if anyone can help here! I have also gotten all the achievements but this one. I even went in with no gear or weapon and carefully punched the heart and backed off near 10% but as usual, boom, they both die instantly. I'm going crazy and all my toons that can solo this have to wait another week, again. Is this a bug? Every walkthrough I've seen, I've followed and there is no mention of this, except in comments from others dealing with this issue, and no helpful responses. I am sooooo close to the mount, as is the OP here, so I feel his frustration. Please help if you know anything about this issue. Thank you in advance!
How low are you getting XT before he goes into his heart phase?

It has been a long time since I did this one, but I recall that at the end of his heart phase he loses half as much health % as you did to the heart, so if you 100% kill the heart he will lose 50% of his life which will kill him if he is below 50% when the heart phase starts. It isn't the heart you have to be careful not to over-kill, it is XT himself before the first heart phase.

If you already knew this and are being careful not getting him too low before the heart phase, it is entirely possible there is some other issue caused by level scaling. Northrend content seems to be particularly vulnerable to that.

I’m having this same problem. No matter what strategy I try, I’m unable to get the achievement on 25 man. XT dies instantly when the heart is killed.

You’re doing too much dps to XT-002 too quickly before the heart phase starts. Unequip all gear and weapons and use the foam sword item which I believe only does 1 HP damage at a time. You don’t want him to go too low in health before the heart phase.

If he does, you’ll cause him to die too quickly after the heart phase ends which breaks the encounter script. Hence him dying instantly and the achievement failing.

With ANY of the older content, be conservative and take the encounter as you would if you were doing it as current content. Just because you can one shot a mob doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Very slow dps to start. Chip away at his health bit by by and never apply anything that has a DoT.

I’ll try that, but I’m already taking off all armor and weapons and just auto attacking. He drops the heart around 75% and I don’t take him lower than that. I really think it’s just bugged. Most people around the internet report being able to do it no problem in 10 man, but can’t complete it in 25 man.

The foam sword can do more than 1% damage but stops doing damage when the targets health reaches 1%.

This may be related to the issue I’m having where completing xt-002 on hard mode leaves the extra cache unlootable.

I am the same, no armour or weapon. 0 item level, not past 75% health then kill the heart and insta dies. foam sword doesn’t work in ulduar when I tried to use it. tried everything mentioned above in 10 and 25 mode. still nothing and GMs cant see ach in my logs. ive got video proof but its wrong file type or too big and wasn’t given another way to get the video to them

I’ve seen the same thing. For whatever reason, I’m (my two hunters) able to kill the heart without killing the boss with everything equipped (using auto attacks only), but when I do, the chest is non-interactable.

just completed this on my mage, maybe only caster can complete this. I took of all gear an weapon and used ice lance which dealt less than 10% and meleed when below 7-10%. however I could not loot the chest, only one appeared, very odd

Were you on 10 man or 25 man? I just confirmed I can complete this no problem on 10 man, but it doesn’t work on 25 man.

Keep in mind that there’s no longer raid sizes with Ulduar. When it became a TW raid, it was changed to a flex raid. You can observe this by entering with each option selected. No matter the setting, you will see “10” as the raid size on the minimap (unless you are there with more than 10 people, to which it will adjust to match the number of players). So it’s the same raid regardless of the setting.

For what it’s worth, even if there’s a hidden difference between the settings, I run it with 25 selected each time and I’m able to kill the heart without killing the boss when I do it slowly.

Ah! Thank you for pointing this out. I was under the impression that to get both mounts (Glory of the Ulduar Raider) you had to do both 10 and 25 man versions of the raid. After reading your post, I found the following info:

When patch 7.3.5 hits live servers, these achievements will be merged as one.
No matter if you have completed the 10 or 25 or both, you will get both 10 and 25 mount rewards.

Hopefully this helps clear up some confusion for anyone else who’s going after the mounts.

That said, I’m able to easily get the achievement on 10 man, but no matter what I do, I’m unable to get the Heartbreaker achievement on 25 man. I really do think it’s bugged.

Thanks again!

Which is the weird part because the 10 and 25 selector doesn’t change the raid at all. It would be like changing the Normal and Heroic setting on a raid that only has Normal.

Oh well! That’s what the Bug Report forum is for!

It’s not bugged. As noted there is no 10 or 25 man version of the raid anymore, there’s only the flex version.

Likewise the 10 and 25 man versions of the achievements were moved to Legacy and cannot be obtained at all (because again, those versions of the raid do not exist). They were replaced with equivalent achievements with no raid size attached to them.

So there is only 1 version of the raid and only 1 set of achievements to go along with that setting. Changing the setting between 10 and 25 man will do nothing, and you will not get the achievement again, because you already have it.

That may be, but go there on a character that doesn’t have the Heartbreaker achievement and see if you can get it with the raid set to 25 man. People keep telling me it’s not bugged and that the setting doesn’t matter, but it CLEARLY does. There are multiple posts around the internet from people saying they can’t get this achievement with it set on 25 man.