Can someone please help me

I am praying someone here can help me. I have no other place to turn.

I played WoW for years. But medical reasons I have to stop. It was just after the Azeroth started. Anyway, I was an avid collector of pets. I did it more than other things in the game.

My issue is I see No Pets in the world whatsoever. I had a few issues when I first downloaded The War Within expansion. But wow support helped me with the issue. I downloaded Rematch, Hekili, and Better bags. Those are the only active add on that I have. Rematch will display the pets on my map. But there is none to be found anywhere. I ever have gone to the lower areas and none show up. I have ever disabled all my add on and defaulted back on my interface on the game. Still, none show up on the game in my open world. They are showing up all over my map though, like I stated. On my game menu all I have in there is under options/Raid/Desplay pet. I see nothing else to do there to help me with the interaction with them. On my mini map in the upper corner of my screen where my mini map is. there is a little circle to the south/west of the frame. When I click on it. There is nothing I can see to help display the pets. I just can’t understand when I am doing wrong. It is so frustrating.

Now I can still do Daily Master Pet Battle Trainers. which makes no sense to me. Why can I battle their pets. But none in the wild. Please can someone help. Pet Battling is my favorite part of WoW. Well, one of them.

ThanQ for taking the time to at least read my dilemma. Have a wonderful day.

So you can battle Tamers with pets, but you are not seeing the Green Paw above wild pets, or in your minimap?

The Tracking option has mobed on the minimap.

You now activate Tracking like this:

Aboive your minimap is a black bar with the name of your current location.

The leftmost few pixels of that bar are actually a button.

Click on the left edge of that bar and you will see a menu drop down. In that meny will be Track Pets.

Does that help?

If not, please reply anyway so we can check other things


wow just wow!! You just made me super late for work tomorrow! ThanQ bunches!!! I never would have thought of that. Infact I never ever noticed that Icon above the mini map. What a blessing! Works great now. :grinning:

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Yeah, after they moved it, I didn’t know about it either for quite a while. I was tracking things by /console commands or something until someone pointed it out to me.

BAD UI designers! BAD! No treats for you!

Enjoy your Safaris!


But it’s an obvious very tiny icon with a pair of binoculars. Clearly, this is where all you minimap filters go, because that’s what “binoculars” always means. :roll_eyes:


The button on the mini map in the UI was also binoculars. I suspect it’s because you’re “searching” for something in particular, whether it’s pets, an innkeeper, or a mailbox.

The fact that it’s so tiny, though, and that we can’t resize it (or at least, not last time I checked) is disgustingly bad design.