Can someone link the URL for WoW Armory?

The only ones I sometimes can see go through Thrall or unsecure websites. Is that normal?

Armory from thrall is our lord and saviour

You will click on armory and you will like it

Funny thing is I can’t find a lock from stormrage that was in my LFR group on it. Top dps too! Wanted to see their renown level.

If only that character named “Armory” weren’t the first google result.

Did they have alt codes in their name? Might be easier to type their guild name

Also wow armory breaks a lot and you’ll get the “somethings not quite right a lot”

If you don’t want to click on armory you can search just by being on the regular wow website

Or if you’re on the forums just go to your own armory page by selecting summary and view character

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add servername/charactername, so for me it would be silvermoon/mute/ or

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Thanks! Yes I was wondering why your first listed link doesn’t come up on my internet searches…it always comes up with Thrall as the realm and I have no characters on Th rall so IDK why it always shows up like that. Your link worked. Then I refreshed it and got error 404. Oh well it’s like Battlemaster says.

Has nothing to do with your servers, its just how the search engine handles “wow armory” in the search bar

If you type “wow armory stormrage” you’ll get different character results

It doesn’t matter what server they’re on. As long as its US and not EU you can type any US character into the search bar and you’ll get results

Just blizz has a terrible armory period lol. Between the 404s and somethings not quite right and mogs and factions taking months to update sometimes, its kinda sad

As a side note if you search characters on other websites like check pvp you’ll have a direct link to their armory page from there

upost of army is COOL but how bout u dont do alans is no good for u ! do hordes !


Only if you play with me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


it say on my post i get battle monster of HORDE , is ASOME goodjob ! now can move alans battle monster to horde to ! then is sogoodjob u get recort


omg my char she look like u char is so funy ! GOODJOB i like battle monster to !


So I was using the addon Oilvl in LFR and this lock was number 1 in dps and Oilvl said his ilvl was 194…but when I clicked on his character and looked it said his ilvl was 237. Is Oilvl addon completely useless now? What other addon can I use to easily see item levels of my gear?

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i do not do wow regaler , i do not like alans shaman it RUIN THE FRACTION IDENITY ! delet alans shaman ! then i think bout it , maybe can do alot , i do WOW classic is goodest wow get alot dungen , quest


i say on u probly if u can stop do a cheat of add on , there alot good calcaltor , can do alot calculitin , if u take all there gears add then up , get the score uwant goodjob !

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u to i say on u is not allow to do alans , it is no good for u , u come over HORDE sird we do alot partys , do alot celebrate !

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Okay just for you :blue_heart:

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