Can someone help me get the Deathwatch Hatchling

Hi I really would like to get Deathwing Hatchling battlepet but so far since the achievement requirements are no longer doable I was hoping a guild who unlocked achievement to get Deathwing Hatchling could toss one of my alts a guild invite.

Once I hit exalted I’ll bow out I’m a casual player who just likes battle pets and would really want to get my hands on this one.

You mean Lil’ Deathwing? That was a reward from the Collector’s Edition of Cataclysm, so it’s largely unobtainable unless you’re willing to drop a LOT of money on eBay.

You’re talking about guild rewards, so do you mean Lil’ Tarecgosa? The requirements to get her are still in-game as well.

I meant the Deathwatch hatchling the one under guild perks which can be obtained only if you done achievement Challenge Warlords: Gold - Guild which now is unobtainable since they stop doing Gold challenges.

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Looks like my guild only managed to do silver while in a guild group. I don’t know of any specific guilds that might’ve gotten this but I’m sure there are a few that pulled it off back in the day. I would ask in WrA’s discord too

Edit: As I suspected the Horde guild Life has this achievement and battlepet. I would ask in their guild recruitment thread or message Infimyst to see if they would allow you to join to buy the pet, they seem like nice people so I imagine they would have no problem with helping you out.

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Thanks I’ll be sure to look into info you just game.

The Kraft on Emerald Dream US has it and is accepting applications