Can someone help me get my macro to work?

Trying to get my 3 celestial pets on a macro where i can summon them with 1 button.

/castsequence “Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen”;“Yu’la, Broodling of Yu’lon”;“Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji”

The issue is they have commas and quote in their name which is making the format of the macro breaking. Anyone have any idea?

Yes, the issue is they have commas in their names. You can’t wrap them in quotes.

Only way I can think of to get around it would be a script that uses the mount ID and sequences using them.

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I’m super curious if castsequence works for pets without comma either.

If memory serves, when the pet journal was introduced, characters that had a pet when it was converted to the journal could reference it in interesting ways. I’ve tried it on pets I know had this behavior then and it doesn’t work anymore.

Is it possible to castsequence pets in cataclysm classic (which has a rudimentary journal) or remix? Are these celestial pets available in remix?

Here’s a macro to “castsequence” pets:

/run local p,id,_={"Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen","Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon","Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji"} PsQ=(PsQ or 0)%#p+1 _,id=C_PetJournal.FindPetIDByName(p[PsQ]) if id then C_PetJournal.SummonPetByGUID(id) end

Oh this worked perfectly! Thank you so much!!!