I’m at work currently but I check the forums when it’s slow. Everyone is saying the forums are on fire, angry, and Some comments about Anduin…. I’m guessing the new expansion was announced or Something? What’s the basic idea?
I’m asking this completely blind. I could of just googled it but figured this would be more fun. As it is an mmo and you ARE supposed to interact with the community.
If it’s anything along the lines of Anduin coming back from wandering the maw and became a tough SOB or something I’d actually be fine with that. Choosing to wander around hell would probably do that to a person. My honest guess is he was searching for his father since he had the chance but that’s thinking logically and doesn’t often happen with wow lately.
So anyways… what’s going on?
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Thrall and Anduin are in Silithus staring at the sword because the heart of azeroth is calling them
Typical twitter outrage loop nonsense on the forums.
We’re just going into the planet
Ohh things make more sense. BFA was actually one of my favorite expansions so I don’t mind a continuation of it. Most of the community hated it however.
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There’s a new Allied Race, more Dwarves and the main draw features are class skins and account wide stuff.
They announced an expansion on a cliffhanger.
There is not much to be hyped over.
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In other words they didn’t have much to show but required to show something due to it being the anniversary deadline of what fans expect.
That’s fine with me. People are mad they aren’t hyped?
We live in a world of no patience.
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To be honest, when the darkness has no face then you have nothing to really look forward to fighting.
Other than a broken warrior priest who is speaking with his just a broken orc friend in the middle of a wasteland.
His father belongs to the Void now… the nothing….
The only thing you need to know, is that the cinematic Blizzard dropped was of Anduin and he literally spent 5 minutes staring at the camera and crying… almost literally.
The Forums are LARPing as this guy.
“Fiiiiire! Burn, burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!”
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Anduin looks almost life like and haunted.
Thrall, on the other hand, looks like he just finished questing in the Cataclysm.
The disparity between their looks is night and day.

Now it all makes sense… thank you. I think my idea was better.
I got a lot of vibes of young Tirion. People are accusing Blizzard of having Anduin written wrong or that he intentionally was made to look like Matthias Shaw, so as to allude to a radical change in his character.
Sadly I gotta call nonsense on that. You know who and what the cinematic reminded me of? This.
If this is true. What if he got possessed and no one knows it’s not really Anduin and it’s really some weird paladins spirit!
I haven’t read the books, but Anduin is just different. Artistically. Expression.
Thrall looks no different than when Saurfang visited him.

It’s that or…
It was Sylvanas in Anduin’s body, with the Candlestick, in the Den.

Seriously though, Anduin looks like someone who has not prioritized personal upkeep for a while.
Makes sense if he is filled with self-doubt and personal loathing.
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They did go to the maw together but I suspect Sylv is gonna be better than that from now on.
Iridikron and Xal’etath went off to screw with some Nerubians
The world soul of Azeroth is crying out to Thrall and Andy
There are some dwarves.
Homeboi just got done crawling out the pits of hell, and people are like…. Dang bro hasn’t showered in awhile? Like come on guys… I’m sure anyone who’s ever been dragged through the trenches in any way is facepalming right now.