Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

What’s the set minimum for gold buying / botting?

I thought this was going to be at least a little fun

As in gdkp hosts and people receiving cuts.

You bring in some great ideas ikanaide

Minimum ban for gold buying is apparently 2 weeks according to people on the forums. Botting might be a perma but when they wait 6+ months to do a ban wave the damage is already done.

I’m glad you’re having fun being spoonfed and pretending that you’re somehow still correct. You just absolutely refuse to take the boot out of your mouth and admit GDKP isn’t the problem if gold buying is properly moderated.

You pay a sub for the company to not moderate their game, and are happy that they applied a bandaid to stop cancer.

Is that according to or set minimum? Apples and oranges.

I’m the one refusing? Ummm I hate to break it to you but gdkps are banned.

If gold buying was properly moderated gdkps wouldnt exist.

GDKP’s exist just fine without gold buying. GDKP’s have existed since original vanilla.

Blizzard banning GDKP’s is taking a cough drop because you have a punctured lung and keep coughing.
Blizzard banning GDKP’s is admitting they can’t or won’t moderate their game against cheaters. It’s only going to get worse, regardless of the GDKP ban.

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So has gold buying? :thinking:

Where do you get this data that gdkps exist fine without gold buying?

Gold buying wasn’t rampant in vanilla, botting wasn’t as rampant, and they were actually banning for those. But keep pretending dude.

Not gonna argue with you anymore, you’re just absolutely braindead.

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Neither were gdkps

Coincidence? :face_with_monocle:

Ikanaide may finally be using some critical thinking

that’s a false idea of how gdkps work :expressionless:

literally never happens :expressionless:

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So all the advertisements for afk buyers are just lying?

Can’t believe I got the forums lowest IQ to respond to me. I feel special

i have never seen an ad for “afk buyers” in all of classic but ok :expressionless:

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And you just proved your low IQ. You act as if none of us play the game, and should only see it through your eyes.

“If I say it isn’t true enough times they will eventually believe me!” - every pro gdkper in every gdkp thread.

This is some thirdie level of IQ

you mean “you’re” :expressionless:


If rmt and botting was gone gdkps would 100% still exist.

What a stupid take.


Where do you get this magical data from?


The best pug system wouldn’t be in the game because rmt and bots are banned? Make that make sense.

That’s like saying boosting wouldn’t be in the game because rmt and bots are banned.

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Where do you get the data its the best pug system?

Must be in the truckers breakfasts I hear so much about!

Guy named ripsod complaining about gdkp’s when banning them is literally what RIP’d SOD so ironic.

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Sod has 10x the pop SoM did at the same phase.

What’s the big difference?


Let’s keep it that way :+1:

Sorry elron, it’s rice again tonight

Why everyone always bring up me being a truck driver?

You just mad I make more than you??

So then you made the claim it wouldn’t be in the game if rmt and bots aren’t here, why??

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