Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

You have 5,000 posts all about gdkps and they aren’t even in the game.

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All i’ve ever wanted was to know what the ban accomplished, and so far its just “makes me feel better” and nothing of any actual substance. I’ve never even started a conversation about gdkp, its just too much fun to watch people cope and do mental gymnastics to desperately try and be right haha

Of course GDKP is where the most RMT gold is moved because it’s where the most gold is moved period. Remove GDKP and that becomes the AH as is the case in fresh. That does not necessarily mean GDKP is the cause of RMT. It is merely a symptom of a bigger problem which has yet to be resolved.

I’m going to put this to you in the nicest way possible because you’re such a complete dumbass.

No one said RMT wouldn’t happen with the GDKP ban dumbass.

We said it would reduce the incentive for it dumbass.

That’s true whether you like it or not dumbass.

You don’t get to RMT your way to BiS in fresh dumbass.

Go ahead RMT your edgies and enjoy it because that’s where it ends dumbass.

You said it would, and then fresh had more bots and more rmt than 2019, so i guess you were wrong again

So what is it? Is there no RMt now because GDKP is gone? Or is still in game Schizo?

Bros shaking typing all that out lmao.


You could argue that people might be buying less gold.

You can’t argue that less people are buying gold.

It’s kind of common sense to assume that the people who had no issues buying gold are still buying gold

Bro probably thinks half his guild is just on vacation for 2 weeks rn

Just stop being a dumbass. Stop posting. Try reading.

Guys we should stop hes crying now i guess we were too hard on him

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Try thinking critically or rationally, mister all prisoners think they are innocent.

He’s 100% crying irl right now.

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I don’t think they actually care about arguing all they care about is that a loot system they don’t like his banned.

I actually think they don’t even care about rmt and bots.

ROFL the only one crying is you gdkp cheater nerds upset that you can’t RMT your way to BiS

They genuinely believe banning all bots is some impossible task, meanwhile I watched my friend farming in winterspring for 30 minutes, he killed a blatantly botted hunter 3 times in a 15 minute period, all 3 times the botted hunter would pull a furbolg, get ambush opened, then perform frame perfect 180’s because it couldn’t decide between hitting the dagger rogue murdering it and the furbolg mob it’s supposed to be farming.

I wonder why it’s so difficult to detect when someone’s character performs 0 frame delay 180’s, like, the character’s x, y, and z coord’s are all visible server side, so surely extreme abnormalities like 0 ticks between 180 direction changes would be pretty easy to flag and investigate right? Especially if it’s a consistent and repeated issue, surely that character couldn’t reach level 59 without being investigated right?

THey don’t most of them actually buy gold and just want it cheaper, its why they always say “lowers demand”

I already bought 2 pieces out of MC, keep coping.

Don’t worry my little man if I sucked at this game for 20 years like you antis who are all hiding id hide my main too.

Gdkps may be banned and we ain’t making alts because of it but you still suck at the game.

:rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Why does any auction have a minimum bid? Why are there bid increments? To keep auction flow moving.

Everyone that goes to a run is a potential buyer. It’s communistic…have you ever done a GDKP?

Saying GDKPs is P2W is about as ignorant as saying buying gear from the AH makes you P2W.

Jesus the ignorance. Edmasters are less than 1000g and freezing is 400g. Do you play the game at ALL. How about Blue sapphires being 40g ea. How about Arcanite bars floating between 90 - 100g ea. GFPPs 5g ea. How about an LHH being charged 300-500g JUST TO CRAFT w/ your mats.

People that reply like you make me actually pull out my tinfoil hat and ponder if this has been an elaborate scheme for market controllers and real RMT controllers to remove GDKP from the game, so they can better dominate.

FYI - I do the play the game - I run a guild of 125 people with a successful raid team that will be successful as far as anniversary servers go. I don’t need to buy gear at GDKPs. I earn it…at a real raid…using real raid distribution systems. GDKP was just a nice system to make gold to help fund consumes and gear alts…as I’ve said…100 f’ing times.

I wish he wasn’t such a coward, but he knows he’d be grey screened the entire time he’s logged in.

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The craziest part is it isn’t just him, it’s literally ALL of them rofl