Can someone explain this to me?

Vanilla WOW had no in game cutscenes of any kind. It was all quest text. The one cinematic for the game was cool, but no one was talking in it. The earliest in game cutscene I can remember came in wrath and the quality was mild to say the least. Age of Conan was doing cutscenes that were far superior.

WC3 had a few cinematics but Bioware was already doing that in Knights of the Old Republic and far more frequent.

your concept of how time works is baffling me. Also im not referring to the “ingame” cinematics. They used to do real cut scenes and they were at the forfront of it.

Hmm,a different take from a different artist that’s why. I don’t think this is good argument.

You are so ignorant of history

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Easy, opinion guides you :slight_smile:

I think some of the angles in the fan one are better and some of the angles in the Blizzard one are better. I think sometimes the fan color looks better and sometimes the Blizz color looks better. It’s all opinion :man_shrugging:


A poorly researched youtube video by logitech is your evidence of that?

Feel free to point out where it was wrong. But I’m betting you didn’t even watch it and will continue to ignore every fact that I bring up.

its a 10 minute video i replied 5 mins later. TBH id seen it before but i skimmed through to refresh my memory. made me more confident, they dont even mention blizzard who were very praised for their cutscene work elsewhere. You only need to look at the quality of cinematics that came years after to what they were putting out years before. But you dig your little booties into the dirt so you can stay angry at them for the sake of being upset by something.

Dude can you lay off blizzard, they are a small indie company that only makes billions and their staff has been sapped and devoid of all passion it’s not their fault and life is so unfair just buy a wow token.

Damn you are thick.

What in the world makes you think I’m angry at Blizzard? I’m loving my time in game right now. I’m just not a blind fanboy who is ignorant of other games. Sure Blizzard has improved their cinematics over the years, but they were never in the forefront of that department. So many other companies have been doing cinematics longer and much better.

its a weird hill to die on but whatever, maybe you needed new glasses back in the day, all those sharp edge polygons got blurry and nice for you. No need to be a pinprick about it.

That’s better?

The original Garrosh cinematic looks terrible but this honestly looks worse somehow.


If pointing out facts makes me a pinprick, so be it.

Have a good night.

They both look like garbage.

No your inability to have a discussion without throwing insults makes you a pinprick.

Anyway, you have a good night too, i hope the great vault gives you something better than stygia.

They both kind of looked the same to me… :woman_shrugging:t2:

The fan-made version is very clearly in ICC and not from the Sanctum. It is not just an asset swap.

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It’s called Blizzard polish, they make a cinematic much worse than the rest of the game industry.

Jaina face animation is arguably the worst AAA animation ever made, and i thought nobody could take the throne away from the Mass Effect’s famous “My face is tired” meme.


I like Jaina face :]


Their actually in game cinematics we’re never great from what I saw to begin with, so this looks like pretty normal to me, the fan cinematic is alright I guess?