Can someone explain the differences between the Classic realms?

There’s Classic era, Hardcore, Season of Discovery, Anniversary & Hardcore Anniversary. What’s the difference?


Yes, it can be difficult to figure it all out after being away for a while.

Classic Era - the Vanilla WoW experience
Hardcore - Vanilla WoW, but if you die you are done
SoD - has things like runes to transform gameplay to be more interesting
Anniversary - fresh Vanilla servers, but they may progress to The Burning Crusade
Anniversary Hardcore - fresh Vanilla WoW, but if you die you are done

I’ll add that returning recently to a Classic Era server, it’s been established since 2019 and the economy is really out of whack. They also use GDKP which is banned on the Anniversary servers.


P.S. Don’t listen to the trolls. It’s ok to ask questions.


I really appreciate your time. Though I think I might pass on trying Classic though. I know it’s easier said than done to ignore the trolls, but I always feel bad if I ever annoy or upset others. Thank you very much though!


Just adding one more to this great list:

Cataclysm Classic / Will become MoP Classic
This is the progressive classic realm, where you play the game all over again.
The expansions are released periodically.


Seeing rude jerks drive nice people away is one of the worst parts of these forums.

They would be so much better if the trash was taken out.

Please don’t ever feel bad at all for asking questions.

Anyway, no problem with you passing if that’s what you want to do. Hopefully, you have fun with whatever you do next.


Don’t think too much of it. Complaints and opposing opinions are so frequent around here that aggression is second nature to people who spend extended time here

Classic Era - Vanilla no changes
Hardcore - Vanilla but you die it’s permanent
Season of Discovery - Vanilla with a lot of sandbox changes, it’s fun
Anniversary - Era with a few nice QoL changes like dual spec
Hardcore Anniversary - See above


Something additional to note…

Anniversary - Comes with some QoL changes such as dual spec and the removal of the buff/debuff limits.

Not sure if there’s more than this. These are not present on the Classic Era servers.

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You didn’t. Someone was being salty.

It was a solid question.

A question of my own though:

Didn’t they add a couple things to the original Classic like more buffs? I recall there were one or two other things as well.

It just feels like it’s gonna be the same old same old grind I did back in vanilla classic 2019, with a strong possibility of not being able to get permanent versions of anniversary bc classic or anniversary wrath classic servers when it ends. So it doesn’t make sense to follow the ride.

Thanks for the update though. I gotta love how it is all vanilla based to. Nothing at all bc or wrath related. Oh a possibility that anniversary bc could be made. But I just want to know if they plan of opening up permanent anniversary classic bc and permanent wrath classic anniversary realms. Because I see no point in playing anniversary classic if that doesn’t happen.