Can someone clarify on how 1% mount drop rates are handled?

Is the 1% drop rate split amongst the players in the group or is it 1% per player such that each player has the same chance?

My understanding was the such mounts where personal loot and thus gave an equal chance per player, rather than diluting itself amongst the number of players in the group.

E.g. 1% split amongst 20 players = 0.05% per player vs 1% for every player.

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Personal loot = personal chance, not split. Legacy loot = single mount drop. I think that’s how it works.

I very briefly tried to find blue confirmation but couldn’t find any.

So for a legacy raid, the mount drop is 1% split amomgst the entire raid?

i wonder if i have any of those 1% mounts - -

Seems to be the case, and that’s what people in past posts said.

I’m trying to find examples of any legacy mounts dropping two at a time, but I can’t find any. I think it’s never happened.

Tl;dr if you bring more people to legacy raids for items that aren’t “personal push loot” (like Taeshalach) you’re decreasing your chance of getting the item. This is of course based on what I’ve seen people say online, no blue confirmation - but they probably want to keep it a black box.

I still have no idea how scythe of the unmaker + taeshalach drops work. I’ve seen so much conflicting information over the years from ‘Mythic includes all chances from lower difficulties’ to ‘you should run every version of Antorus’ and ‘Normal/Heroic/Mythic share the same loot drop for Scythe + Taeshalach but LFR is a seperate chance’

Both scythe and taesh are push loot. So I think PL rules apply to them. Whereas it seems the mounts are not actually PL when legacy loot rules kick in.


What’s push loot?

So, is it basically going with a group, someone might win the less than 1% drop, and if one person gets it, no one else can really loot it?

Seems like soloing old raids would always be the better choice, assuming you have the gear/desire to solo it?

I believe that is the case, yes. Again though, we have no hard facts from Blizzard just speculation based on people’s experiences.

But if two mounts were able to drop at the same time, I feel like there’d be some instance of it on the internet…anywhere, even if it would be immensely rare. I’m not able to find any proof of that.

Yes, I’d say so.

But sometimes running older content with friends can be fun. The stuff you can’t easily solo anyway.

I had been running Mythic Antorus to unlock the skip, and had Sendryn and a few other guildies run through with me. The mount dropped for her, she didn’t want it cuz it’s ugly, let us roll for it and I won it!


It means that the items are automatically added to your inventory without you having to loot anything.

So in AbT’s case, both those items are push loot. Whereas the mount is contained in the chest. So the loot rules for that are legacy.

1% is 1%. That variably doesn’t change no matter how many players are present or how many attempts you’ve made. They will automatically drop into your bags though if they are rare drops from a boss that aren’t part of the normal loot table.

when a old raid is soloable then its always best to solo it. when it cant be soloed bring the least amount of people needed, mostly caz less people = less changes of someone screwing something up.

i had a sepuka run last week screwed caz someone talked to the skip dude to early and froze him. the skip worked but the next boss just didnt finish its rollplay so we all just left

2 days after i go in and cheek if had reset it self (like most raids do after a day or two) and someone had killed the bosses till the end boss, inso locking myself, the lead, out of there own run

a solo run might take a bit longer but if someone screws up you know who to blame, that being yourself, lo

It might be push personal, but it’s for sure the more general category of bonus personal (similar to how the warbound until equip items drop in TWW).

The mounts are treated just like regular items, and in the pseudo personal thing of legacy, it just auto-rolls need on them to pick a random person to get the loot.

Every few expansions there’s a cryptic patch note about some legacy raid saying a rare drop was rarer than intended.

That has always made me suspicious that there is some code for scaling the drop chance to the number of participating players, but that it’s supposed to be turned off in legacy loot mode. (But that’s just my speculation/superstition/paranoia, I don’t have high confidence in the theory)

Tell me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s 1% to drop then it’s rolled on if there’s more than 1 person in the party/raid.

“Legacy” includes a lot of expansions that had different lot distribution. I seem to recall having been in a raid during Legion where more than one player got a mount off a boss. But that was personal loot.

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Yes, it is possible with personal loot if course. OP is concerned about drop chances with legacy / group style loot.

To be honest, I lost my faith in how they handle random loot after I killed Sha of Anger on multiple characters every week for months back in MoP before Blizzard was like “Oh, oops. It was apparently bugged and unable to drop at all!”