These pallies are so over powered but we not complaining about them like ally did shamens. I think its safe to restore our healing now.
Paladin has 0 healing. No healing for both is fine.
Shaman tanks still op like every other tanks except paladins. So, You owe 2 yo us.
The actual eff is this topic. Lmao no.
Shamans are busted. Go away.
Not until you learn how to spell the class name.
What is a shamen?
Also, no.
Which shams? I know you’re not talking about DW Enhance, they’re bottom tier sitting next to mages.
Elemental? You need heavenly procs just to do anything.
Must be talkin about tank/ele hybrid or somethin, I dunno.
problem is people couldnt tell their rear end from each spec of shaman so its no use trying to differ between each one as everyone thinks tank shaman are all thats being played .
Chill dude, you think think Paladin players have enough braincells to rub together for critically thinking?
“hey did you see me just kill that guy while in bubble? I totally heckin outplayed him!”
Pala is still bonkers broken in pvp. YOu have to be an absolute potato to get wrecked on pala.
90% of shamans pvping now are straight ele and don’t even know how to gear/rune correctly for the hybrid tank build
honestly they wont buff enhance shaman ability to heal as people on the forums would demand parity with pallies and shaman and the last thing you want is a pally being able to heal while also 2 globaling you .
I’ll accept that challenge, let me get a pally to 60 and I’ll show you that I am the Legendary Absolute Potato of all Potatos! I will be their king and they will be my subjects!
/puts on the crown
/waves to the crowd
/orders them to bend the knee
Yeah we will pass on that but thanks for the feedback. Shamans still need to be nerfed a lil more as my pre bis shaman can take down 3-4 alliance at a time and I’m a 1400 at best arena player. Meanwhile my hunter and druid still manage to die fully geared from just being looked at by shamans and you want heals? Anyways hope you have a great day Starnasty
shamen? is that like a human shaman or something
Excuse me!
It’s shathey/shathem.
Pallies out heal enh in pvp right now.
rets? no
shockadin hopefully
it’s crazy that you play a shaman and can’t spell it
Ret will absolutely have more opportunity to do meaningful healing in pvp vs enh, while doing twice the damage.
Tell us you main paladin without telling us you main paladin?
having more chances to heal doesnt equal to more healing done per cast. FoL heals for a bandage tick. LHW alone heals for 4x healing compared to FoL.