Changes we had so far are putting us in a better direction, but it isn’t where it needs to be.
General Tree:
The change to Tea feels really bad. Please revert the auto proc. As a capstone it just doesn’t feel good. (Though most rogue capstones are super weak) My suggestion: remove the auto proc, and add a new passive to make this capstone feel better. Maybe reduce all ability cost by X% or add in something else. OR move this up in the tree and make a new capstone in general.
Cold Blood
This as a capstone is just baffling to me when you compare it to other classes and what they can have. This really needs some love and is not worthy of a capstone.
The supercharger line imo is better than what echoing used to be, but doesn’t really make it fun either. Why is this 2 talents? The capstone following it as well feels meh. The damage from Echoing is too low and the other capstone doesn’t feel impactful. But I guess it is better than nothing.
I really dislike the acrobatic strikes change. I feel rogue at the very least should have the option to have an yard or 2 for their melee attacks.
ShadowHeart Talent needs to be be changed. This is super weak. Needs to be 2% healing every X second while stealth imo.
There are other things in the general tree I could mention but those above are the main gripes I have.
Now to spec things,
Starting with Sub
Sub feels so bad outside of dance windows. Can we please have this spec looked at?
Placement of talents feel off to me. Why is Swift Death, a dps talent, locked behind a utility talent Shrouded in darkness?
With losing invigorating shadowdust, sub really sees a lack of damage since dance windows don’t come as often, and outside of them, it feels soooo bad.
I think an easy solution to this is to buff the damage of skills in general, and remove some the bonus damage from talents that affect shadow dance.
I would love to take gloomblade, especially since it would interact with some of the cool shadow talents, but it will never be picked. Maybe make Find Weakness baseline for sub, and move gloomblade up in the tree so it is picked.
Bottom line though, I think sub needs to be able to actually hit harder than a wet noodle outside of dance windows.
My main issue with Outlaw is how it scales and PPM of this spec. I think it really needs a mastery change. Keep the chance for the offhand attack, but add something new. Maybe Mastery also increases the damage your combopoint generators by X percent? Maybe armor pen, or maybe your attacks do additional damage as a bleed. Not sure, but it really needs something.
Also, I really wish there was a way to play this spec without roll the bones. I am fine either way, but I know a lot of people never liked it in the first place.
One of my biggest gripes with this has to be the deathstalker. Why do we have blindside talent that doesn’t let us apply deathstalkers mark? This 100% should be a thing.
I also think there are far too many talents that affect garrote. IT be nice to see some of these merged so new talents can be added ect.
Lastly, Can we have the aoe choice node in deathstalker redone? Feels bad to have an entire section dedicated to aoe, which in ST or in some pvp feels bad to have.
Bugs for stealth still remain. trickster breaking cc ect.
There have been many posts about it alreay.
Last note, I am not a pro player, but even I see the issues rogue has. Not sure if my ideas are good fixes or not, but wanted to give my feedback regardless.